Jurnal Bilangan Real (sifat Aljabar Dan Keterurutan)
- Jurnal Bilangan Real (sifat Aljabar Dan Keterurutan) 1
- Jurnal Bilangan Real (sifat Aljabar Dan Keterurutan) 3
JURNAL PERKULIAHAN ALJABAR LINEAR ELEMENTER Disusun Oleh: Nama: Itsnaini Nurul Hasanah NIM: Prodi: Teknik Informatika Dosen Pengampu: Zaenal Abidin UNIVERSITAS NEGERI SEMARANG (UNNES) KABUPATEN SEMARANG TAHUN AJARAN 2013/2014 0 Aljabar Linear Elementer MATRIKS A. Matriks Definisi: Matriks adalah susunan bilangan berbentuk persegi panjang yang disusun di dalam baris dan.
Jurnal Ketahanan Nasional , abbreviated JKN, Jurnal Ketahanan Nasional specific is becausein relation with Geography, Natural Resources, Population, Ideology, Politics, Economy,Social-Culture, and Defence-Security (Asta Gatra). Jurnal Ketahanan Nasional is accredited Dikti : 32a / E / KPT / 2017 since april 2017. Jurnal Ketahanan Nasional is the periodically scientific publication in Indonesian language that is managed by Study Program of National Resilience, Graduate School Universitas Gajah Mada in co-operation with Lemhannas RI and published three times in a year, month of April, August, and December. Editorial staffs accept the contribution of draft that is parallel with the mission and view of this journalstressing on research and development, having Pancasila morale, insight of culture, soul ofdemocracy, and autonomy.The process of acceptance of draft is done every year. The draft accepted will be processed of double-blind peer reviewer , before it is accepted for publishing.
Jurnal Ketahanan Nasional is published since December, 1 st, 1996, and published online since 2016 with ISSN version of the printed 0853-9340 and version of the daring of 2527-9688.
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Jurnal Bilangan Real (sifat Aljabar Dan Keterurutan) 1
Vol 25, No 1 (2019)
Jurnal Ketahanan Nasional by Study Program of National Resilience, Graduate School Universitas Gajah Mada in co-operation with Lemhannas RI (National Resilience Institute of Indonesia).
da:Gedung PAU Tekhnika Utara Street,Barek Sleman Phone(0274)6492280,Fax:543771
ISSN :0853-9340(Print)
iSSN: 2527-9688(Online)
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Obligasi Bencana Alam dengan Suku Bunga Stokastik dan Pendekatan Campuran
This study contains the group claims model as discussed by (Lee, 2007) for the pricing of natural disaster bonds. This research was conducted with several stages. First make the formula of bond price with stochastic interest rate and disaster event following non homogeneous poisson process. It further estimates the parameters of disaster loss data from the Insurance Information Institute (III) from 1989 to 2012 and interest rates from the Federal Reserve Bank. Because the determination of aggregate distribution is difficult to be exact, numerical calculation is done by mixed approach method (Gamma and Inverse Gaussian) to determine the solution of natural disaster bond price. Finally, shows how the impact of financial risk and disaster risk on the price of natural disaster bonds.
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Jurnal Bilangan Real (sifat Aljabar Dan Keterurutan) 3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24042/ajpm.v7i1.130
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