
When Does Killing Stalking Update

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Sangwoo and Bum.

It dosent get updated so much tought. Sometimes theres like a 2-3 chap update. Glad to see another fan! Misty Mountain. Well-Known Member. Expand Collapse. Joined: Oct 31, 2015. @Storm chaser but I have to say the Killing Stalking fandom is extrem JORMUNGAND likes this. Storm chaser. Rock n' Roll. Haoshoku Haki. Expand Collapse.

Killing Stalking (킬링 스토킹) is a Manhwa written by Koogi and published online in Korean, English, and Japanese by Lezhin Comics. It won the grand prize in the Second Lezhin World Comics Contest.

Yoon Bum, a withdrawn young man with a history of stalking, has an intense crush on one of the most popular and handsome guys at his college, Oh Sangwoo. One day, he manages to break into Sangwoo's house when Sangwoo is away, but what he discovers inside reveals that the Sangwoo known to the outside world is no more than a façade.

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Killing Stalking is now complete at 67 chapters, with a print release on the way. The comic updated weekly on the Lezhin Comics website. Chapters in Korean came on Thursdays and chapters in English arrived on Wednesdays.


This work contains examples of:

  • Abusive Parents: Sangwoo's father abused him and his mother. The mother, as we later learn, was the real abuser in the family, and tried to kill Sangwoo along with forcing sex on him after he matured. And if we go by guardians, Bum's uncle was pretty bad as well.
  • All Abusers Are Male: It seems to be an ongoing trend in the series, but subverted—Sangwoo's mother was just as abusive and toxic.
  • Ambiguously Bi: Sangwoo, and perhaps the older man he brings home in Chapter 8.
  • Asshole Victim:
    • Sangwoo's mother tried to kill him repeatedly, and repeatedly raped him, so Sangwoo killed him.
    • Also subverted. Sangwoo talks about his targets like they're all scum who deserve to be murdered, but their crimes are nothing worse than stuff like being too forward while flirting at a bar or acting kind of stuck up.
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  • Ax-Crazy: Sangwoo, and HOW.
  • Bittersweet Ending: Heavy on the bitter. Sangwoo is arrested, his murders come to light, and many are given hard earned closure with Seungbae going back on the force. However, Bum still feels extra guilty about everything, and despite it all still pines for Sangwoo. After he learns that Sangwoo was smothered by an elderly patient he hallucinates seeing Sangwoo and runs out into traffic where it is implied he is hit by a car.
  • Black and Grey Morality: The conflict of the series is between a weak-willed stalker who breaks into his crush's home, and said crush who kills people in his off-time. The other characters that appear aren't exactly the picture of upstanding morality either, and some can be huge assholes while still on the side of the law.
  • Book-Ends: The story begins and ends with Bum obsessing over Sangwoo, breaking into his house, and fondling himself at the thought of the other man.
  • Break the Haughty: Happens to Sangwoo in Chapter 27 after driving Bum to near-suicide.
  • Broken Pedestal: Subverted. While Sangwoo was never a mentor figure to Bum, Bum always looked up to him, but this quickly changes not too far into the storyline.
  • Cassandra Truth: In Chapter 16, Bum immediately starts telling anyone he comes into contact with that he had been kidnapped. Since he's at a college party and he's raving about his kidnapping without any rhyme or reason, the partygoers dismiss him as a rowdy drunk.
  • Chase Fight: Constitutes the entirety of chapter 31.
  • Creepy Basement: A lot of events occur in Sangwoo's basement.
  • Creepy Shadowed Undereyes: Both Bum and Sangwoo have dark circles around their eyes, while the more mentally stable characters don't.
  • Creepy Souvenir: Bum finds the washing machine full of the underwear of the women that Sangwoo killed. He imagines/hallucinates them as their body parts.
  • Creepy Uncle: Bum's guardian is his uncle, who sexually abuses him.
  • A Date with Rosie Palms: So far, three times with Bum and once with Sangwoo halfway through Chapter 8.
  • Daydream Surprise: Happens frequently, mostly to underscore characters' unstable mental states.
  • Deadly Game: The card game that Sangwoo forces Bum and the man he kidnapped from the bar to play, with the loser getting killed. This is just a trick, however, and he kills the man despite Bum losing.
  • Death by Sex: Inverted. Seems to be Sangwoo's modus operandi, as it's implied he kills all the women he sleeps with.
  • Dream Melody: The song 'Killing Me Softly' is featured frequently in the storyline, but its importance and association with Sangwoo have yet to be revealed.
  • Dysfunction Junction: Point in the general direction of any of the characters, and you will not see anyone as the picture of mental health. Even Seungbae, arguably one of the saner main characters, slowly starts slipping into madness.
  • Empty Cop Threat: Seungbae seems to make a lot of these, particularly in Chapter 23 when he interrogates an underage guy at a gay bar for information on Seokhun. While he could legitimately arrest someone who had broken the law, arresting the guy at the gay bar would probably cause more trouble for Seungbae, being at a gay bar and all...
  • Evil Is Sexy: In-universe in the last chapter. The viewing public, while still appalled by Sangwoo's crimes, spent a good amount of time talking about how good looking he was, according to reporters.
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Lotta killing, lotta stalking.
  • Fan Disservice: There are many examples:
    • The first chapter has a half-naked Bum masturbating over Sangwoo. This isn't shown to titillate, but to showcase his obsession; plus, it happens in the middle of a flashback that explains how he became a Stalker with a Crush and includes an Attempted Rape situation that he was subjected to when in the army.
    • In the same chapter, Bum gets inside Sangwoo's house, then finds his basement.. and an almost naked, Bound and Gagged, blindfolded and bruised young woman. Few later, he wakes up after being beaten and sees the poor woman's corpse. It gets even worse when Sangwoo gropes the corpse's bare breast.
    • The story has quite a few instances where the handsome Sangwoo is down to his skivvies, walking around in his underwear and showing off his chiseled physique. Most these scenes are accompanied by his victims being tortured in his Creepy Basement, him splattered with blood, or him psychologically scaring the crap out of Bum.
  • Failed a Spot Check: While it may fly over reader's heads, a closer look at Chapter 7 proves that Sangwoo never had plans and pretended to leave as a Loyalty Test; it was raining heavily, but he deliberately left his umbrella indoors. Unfortunately, Bum didn't pick up on this.
  • Florence Nightingale Effect: Sangwoo patches up Bum's wounds and looks after him, probably leading to Lima Syndrome.
  • GIS Syndrome: The background and set pieces are a mix of this and Conspicuous CGI, with any large sets being heavily filtered photos and close items being obvious 3D models.
  • Hope Spot: The ending of Chapter 7. It doesn't end well for Bum.
  • Identical Stranger:
    • At the ski slopes, Sangwoo meets a stepmother who looks near identical to his own mother. He considers killing her, but ultimately lets her go once he sees that she's loving and protective of her stepson unlike his own mother.
    • The last scene of the series is Bum chasing the literal and metaphorical shade of Sangwoo, as he runs into a stranger that looked just like him at the beginning of the series.
  • Karma Houdini: Bum ultimately gets away with his part in the murders, as the investigation didn't find any evidence that pointed to him. However Seungbae warns Bum not to do anything suspicious, lest his credibility be compromised.
  • Kill It with Fire: Subverted at the end— Seungbae set Sangwoo's house on fire as a last resort to save his own life and it worked, managing to escape in time leaving Sangwoo in the burning house. As a result, Sangwoo was left with severe burns and hospitalized - however, his cause of death weren't those wounds, it was instead an old woman that suffocated him with a pillow.
  • Lima Syndrome: Sangwoo begins to show affection to Bum, but Bum is reluctant to return the sentiment.
  • Mind Screw:
    • Because Bum has a tendency to hallucinate and imagine possible outcomes, it's not always clear what is and isn't real at first.
    • The entirety of Chapter 29.5.
  • Mr. Fanservice: The author reminds the reader often of just how physically attractive Sangwoo is.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Sangwoo in Chapter 27. See Break the Haughty above.
  • Oblivious Guilt Slinging: The final chapter has Bum be visited by Jieun's mother, who grieves the loss of her daughter at his bedside and sees him as an innocent victim in the Sangwoo affair. She would have no way of knowing that Bum was actually a big reason her daughter died.
  • Older Than They Look: Bum seems to be in his mid-twenties and is confirmed to be somewhere in the late twenties, yet looks as though he could just be entering high school. He's also a few years older than Sangwoo.
  • Only Sane Man: Seungbae works in a department that's less than upstanding at times, and among the three main characters he's the closest thing to a picture of mental stability.
  • Phoney Call: Played for drama. Officer Seungbae is investigating Serial Killer Sangwoo's house for evidence on the pretext of a noise complaint. When he can't find anything in his first check, he pretends to get a phone call from his chief as an excuse to stay and observe the place longer. Unfortunately, while the phone is on his ear it starts ringing aloud with a real call from the station, making the deception obvious.
  • Police are Useless: Seriously, the cops in this universe most be complete and utter idiots. When investigating the death of Chief Kwak as well as the death of Sangwoo's Father it should have been obvious that the suicides were staged. For example, if a hanging body must be cut down, the rope is cut above the knot to preserve any potential evidence in the knot. Instead, the police decided to loosen the knot corrupting any potential evidence. Furthermore, it appears that there was barely even an investigation into the death of Kwak as the next scene after his body is found is his funeral and cremation.
  • Rape as Backstory:
    • Bum is almost molested in the army but Sangwoo's intervention put a stop to that. Bum was sexually abused by his uncle.
    • Even Sangwoo isn't exempt from this, as his mother constantly forced sex on him growing up after he hit puberty.
  • Rape as Drama: Though thankfully not shown, near the end of Chapter 43 Sangwoo rapes Bum because he went to the bathroom and allowed his Snowboard to be stolen costing Sangwoo 500,000 Won (~440 USD).
  • Sadistic Choice:
    • Zig-zagged. Halfway through Chapter 8, Sangwoo lets Bum choose what tools he'll be tortured with. Out of desperation, Bum suggests they do somethingelse, but Sangwoo rebuffs his advances and instead directs his attention to a noose he personally created for Bum. Several panels later, Sangwoo carries out the throat-slitting he originally promised, but Bum doesn't die and only suffers from a split-open chin.
    • During the ski trip, he makes a young stepmother who got hurt in a ski accident with her stepson choose between saving herself or saving the boy. Of course she chooses the boy, but does so on the condition that Sangwoo kills her instead (and he almost does until someone intervenes).
  • Screaming Woman: When Bum enters the basement and finds a woman who just screams after all the abuse Sangwoo has subjected her to.
  • Self-Made Orphan: Seungbae thinks that Sangwoo is this. He's right.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Bum, toward Sangwoo, and implied for many others before him.
  • 'Shaggy Dog' Story: The last couple of chapters have Bum try to contact Sangwoo in the hospital to talk with him one last time. At the end of his journey, even risking his credibility, losing his leftover pocket change, and being misdirected to the wrong hospital rooms, he finally comes face to face with Sangwoo's ashes. He actually died the day Bum lost his money and had to turn back; had he just went to the ATM, Bum might have made it in time.
  • Stepford Smiler: Sangwoo is widely beloved by his peers, appears to be charming and polite to authority figures, and is the object of Bum's obsession; naturally, this does well to mask how Ax-Crazy he really is.
  • Stockholm Syndrome: Despite all of the abuse he's suffered from Sangwoo, Sangwoo is one of the few people in Bum's life to show affection for him openly. Combined with his traumatic past and own crimes, he is reluctant to trust the police or testify against Sangwoo.
  • Unreliable Narrator: Bum has multiple hallucinations throughout the comic and in the first chapter, the author mentions he has Borderline Personality Disorder, which may inflate the actions of some characters due to the disorder (although, this is a webcomic about kidnapping, so probably not).
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Seungbae's partner Officer Park, who tells Sangwoo that 'his cousin' (in reality, Bum) has dropped by his house.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: Officer Seungbae in Chapter 13, who thinks he can outmaneuver and outsmart Sangwoo, but only avoids a grisly fate by sheer luck.


When Does Killing Stalking Update
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Preview — Killing Stalking by Koogi

(Killing Stalking #1)

Yoon Bum, a scrawny, quiet boy, has a crush on one of the most popular and handsome guys in school, Sangwoo. One day, with Yoon Bum's obsession toward Sangwoo reaching its peak, Yoon Bum decides to enter Sangwoo's home. But what he sees inside is not the Sangwoo he had dreamed of.
(Chapters 1-19)
Published February 17th 2009 by Lezhin Comics (first published November 16th 2004)
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Popular Answered Questions
Fen'HarelWhile Sangwoo is abusive and a killer, Yoonbum isn't much better. He's a stalker and most likely that obsession he has for people would have made him…moreWhile Sangwoo is abusive and a killer, Yoonbum isn't much better. He's a stalker and most likely that obsession he has for people would have made him do something bad (see chapter 19, I think, for reference).
They're both people who need to let their sadistic nature go. Sangwoo has and now Yoonbum is learning. They're two peas from the same pod so it's fascinating.
For most people, this is a Joker/Harley concept where one person is crazy and teaches the other to let their craziness out. They fit together and it makes sense.
No one wants to see Yoonbum hurt by him, but we understand at the same time Sangwoo doesn't do anything without a reason and can give Yoonbum's stalker side exactly what he needs - someone to focus on entirely while they focus on him as well.
What greater experience could a stalker ask for?(less)
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Rating details

Jan 07, 2017Pa_tr0_clus rated it did not like it
Aug 08, 2017Claudia Ramírez rated it it was ok
I couldn't stop reading, but I'm horrified (and I've read worse and more graphic things, but I can't comprehend WHY people ship Yoon Bum and Sangwoo. I just want Bum to escape from him).
I don't know what to think about this but I for sure didn't love it (everyone seems to love it).
I will continue with the next volume just because I have no idea of how the story will go and I really want to know.
Let me start off by saying that it is important to consider the title before reading. I, like many other people I'm sure, was reluctant to start reading this manhwa after the negative attention it had received. However, the hate it receives is completely unfounded. This manhwa features heavy violence, gore, and immensely flawed (but well written) characters. Although the comic has an abusive gay relationship, it is never romanticized or seen as healthy within the perspective of the manga. The go..more
Update: The ending! This manhwa is just incredibly plotted, I can predict only two endings to this thing here and both are hideous! There is no way in hell this is going to end well, so don't expect any happy endings for now.
TRIGGER WARNING: Rape, abusive relationship, stockholm syndrome.
I loved the emotions roller coaster, also the art is beyond amazing. I don't read Manga that much because I tend to lose focus on the story and care about the art and the little details more, but Mangas on pho
May 19, 2017Aleksandra rated it it was amazing
Shelves: favourites-of-2017, read-in-english, graphic-novels-manga-comics
This is so sick, but captivating.
If Koogi is doing what I think she is doing, then it’s going to be even more clever than I expected.
Jan 29, 2017The Dyslexic Bookworm rated it liked it
Shelves: fiction, realistic-fiction, manga-graphic-novels, horror, indie-author
This was a very disturbing read, and I would not recommend it to anyone who is squeamish.
This online manga follows the main character in a Stockholm Syndrome scenario. It was very disturbing and I can't keep my dinner down anymore.. But I honestly couldn't stop reading it. My heart breaks for the main character and what he has to go through. I'm sobbing internally, please who ever is in charge of the universe make it stop.
Jun 26, 2017Ella rated it really liked it
Recommended to Ella by: yaoi on ice fandom wtf still don't understand that
Shelves: most-disturbing-books, fav-male-characters
Okay, how exactly do I explain this manhwa (manhwa=korean comic) and my love of it without coming off as a total creep? Forget it, I'm not sure there is a way, let's just do this. Do you enjoy dark, twisted, psychological stories with depraved, damaged and often morally repulsive characters (like Gillain Flynn's novels)? Do you like reading about perverted, unhealthy, physically and mentally abusive relationships (kind of like Hannibal the tv show but a thousand times worse)? Well if you answere..more
Jan 04, 2017Saskia rated it it was amazing
I don't think I have read enough horror to be really experienced on that genre, but for sure I can confirm that Killing Stalking is a really good story.
It's setting is Seoul in South Korea and Yoonbum, a timid and lonely man, happens to fall in love with Sangwoo, who he knows from college and the military service. He has been stalking people 'out of love' before and eventually he breaks into the house of Sangwoo. Sangwoo on the other hand turns out to be the complete opposite of what Yoonbum ima
Jun 13, 2018Maria rated it it was amazing
this is the darkest, most disturbing, most depressing thing ever. nauseating...yet..captivating. the plot is surprisingly interesting and fresh, sangwoo’s character somewhat reminds me of the infamous light from death note. yoon bum..needs to see a therapist ASAP. by the way, people who could find an ounce of romance in this fuckery are either delusional or insane, I’m sorry. the characters here don’t know the first thing about love.
update 21.06.18: chapters 38-39, released after I posted
Oct 03, 2017Magdalen rated it it was ok · review of another edition
that kid was suffering and others ship him with his abuser. WHY?
yeah anyway the drawings are nice, other than that welllll it's not for me. i fancy healthy relationships.
So this just happened.
Killing Stalking is a webcomic illustrating the fucked up relationship between a stalker who ends up stalking the wrong kind of person. It's a psychological horror of sorts that delves into a type of relationship that just makes me want to tell people that I'm hiding under the covers, but really I'm eating a bowl of cereal while scrolling down pictures of people getting stabbed.
But in all seriousness, I was kind of surprised. This isn't a shallow story as I expected, but on
damn, i wish i could give this less than a star.
this manga is homophobic, ableist, and overall just BORING. i can't decide which is worse, the fans or the manga itself. the fans are a hot mess of homophobia ('XD YAOI!!!', ppl calling sangwoo sexual names/liking him, shipping yoon bum and sangwoo) and ableism (calling themselves 'crazy/psycho/insane' for liking it/calling those characters that) and the manga itself is so goddamn boring. trust me, i KNOW psychological horror/horror and this is the
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here.
Jan 26, 2017Toni FGMAMTC rated it really liked it
Shelves: dark, graphic-novel-comic-sequential-art, murder, psychology, physical-abuse, psychological-thriller, emotional-abuse, horror, mental-health, graphic-violence
Just finished part 1 of season 1. I can see that this is definitely going to be dark and not for those who can't handle nudity, blood and torture. I don't recommend this to everyone for sure.
Update— finished all the parts of Season 1. Wow, that was intense. Some parts were difficult to get through because of the horror in much detail, but I was too hooked to stop. It has loads of mind fuckery and very adult content.
this was all kinds of fucked UP!!!!
but I’m into it .. 🤷🏻♀
Killing Stalking is a dark, psychological horror/ thriller comic, incomplete at that. Still, I read it all in one sitting and I decided to shelve it because of the nature of the comic, and because I also need to throw my two cents in.
I want potential readers to know the trigger warning associated with this comic: violence, gore, manipulation, blood, knives, torture, death. If you're under the age of 18, do not read this comic. If you have any questions about potential triggers, please send me a
May 02, 2019Lauren Lanzilotta rated it really liked it
Shelves: comics-and-manga, mental-health-and-disability-rep, lgbtqia-rep
This is by far the most horrifying thing I have ever read and I loved it.
Feb 24, 2017Roy Christensen rated it did not like it
Absolutely terrible. Main character is a stereotype of a demonized mental illness, the relationship between the two males is extremely fetizied and as a gay man I am very offended by the fact that it is categorized as a boy's love manga, when there is nothing loving or healthy about the relationship at all. It does not even use good horror, I love horror but all this does is use mental illness stereotypes instead and scenes to bait yaoi fangirls to support the comic. If you are looking for a goo..more
Jan 23, 2017K.A. Merikan rated it it was amazing
So fucked up! Love it! But...... OMG do I hate waiting for new episodes of stuff. I tend to just forget about it :/
Feb 19, 2018Xia Xia Lake rated it it was amazing
Shelves: dangerous-gay-boys, psychological, the-cuckoo-ville, beyond-possesive, lgbt, manga
I am a big fan of Koogi and I am a bigger fan of Killing Stalking.
I don't know what this says about myself as a human being. I can't recall ever reading a manga/manhwa/manhua so dark, twisted and bloody as Killing Stalking. It represents the darkest depths of human insanity. Both Sangwoo and Yoon Bum should be locked deep underground a highly guarded mental facility, preferably as far away from each other as possible. I can't ship these two. I can't. It's as if shipping Hannibal Lecter and Olive
Dec 06, 2018James DeSantis rated it really liked it
Killing Stalking is..a strange, weird, what the fuck did I just read but can't stop reading type of story.
So from the title you get a idea of what it is about. There's our main hero, Bum, who falls in love with a guy he sees on the train. So what's the next logical step for him? Get his phone number? Ask him out? Nah. Break into his house of course. When he does that he begins to masterbate and sniff the guys pillow/bed. Oh is this too much for you? Just wait.
Bum hears a noise, goes down to t
Feb 06, 2017Lör K. rated it it was amazing
Shelves: my-2017-reading-challenge, favorites, manga-recommendations, recommended, psychological, would-read-again, manga, horror, gore
Rewritten Review
I first heard about Killing Stalking during the whole uproar of the context of the so called 'relationship' in the manhwa. I decided to give it a go, because it sounded like my sort of thing, and I am so glad that I did.
First of all, let me explain something about the relationship. Unless things moved on after chapter 19 (I haven't had a chance to sit down and catch up on it recently) but there is no relationship in this. The abuser uses sexual and romantic contact as a reward fo
Absolutely dreadful. Many people praise this comic for realistic portrayals, but right of the bat it's clear that the author did absolutely no research on the conditions that the characters have. Besides that, it's not very good horror either. There's not much suspense or development, it's just on and on drivel of YoonBum being abused. Horror stories involving abuse can be done right, but this one seems to just be the author trying to one-up themselves. The only possible content I imagine would..more
Jan 30, 2017Neolavender123 rated it it was amazing
Shelves: bdsm-slavery, mind-twisters, dark-angst-hurt-sad-beware, explicitly-guilty-lol, manga-comics, shelf-of-fame, online, yaoi-m-m-comics
I didn't know about this manhwa at first. But a lot of people I follow on Instagram were literally raving about it. The fact that the manhwa has such a gorgeous artwork and the spoilers I (accidentally) saw featured one of the most intense, thrilling scenes on manhwa I've ever seen.. well the combination was apparently successful in making me start reading Killing Stalking.
Quoted from its official site (Lezhin), Killing Stalking is described as:
'Yoon Bum, a scrawny quiet boy, has a crush on one
Jan 20, 2017K. B ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚ rated it really liked it
Okay, this is creepy as shit and so addictive. A timid fellow stalks the (obvious) popular guy because he is drawn to his kind and oh so sexy way of treating others. What he doesn't know about him is the creepy and horrific stuffs he does in his house. He finds out about it one day when he was sneaking into his house. He tortures girls for nothing. Yes. Nothing. But .. There definitely is a back story, which is as horrific as a sexy dude torturing girls. Bad childhood not necessarily but even t..more
Feb 17, 2017Oana marked it as on-hold
Shelves: psychological, horror, angst, manga, mental-illness, yaoi, brr-gore
17 chapters in and what can I say - a very messed up read but I couldn't stop..
I'm not usually diving into mental illness infused stories and this.this feels immersed in that - it's griping your seat kinda suspenseful read. Do not approach if you can't handle torture scenes. This is not holding any punches when it comes to portraying disturbing scenes. It's not your usual gore manga with some bloody pictures, nop, be prepared to be shaken.
And strangely I am kinda shipping the main character
Jan 04, 2017Denielle rated it it was amazing
This manhwa was crazy intense and I loved it but though it isn't over yet I'm still adding it because I may forget to update this after every chapter.
I know people are comparing it to Yuri on Ice but it is nothing like that sweet fluffy goodness. This story is literally as the title says about a killer and a stalker and it's twisted AF buuuuttt the story grips you and that's why I'm reading it.
Go forth at your own risk.
Mar 26, 2017Karen Elisabet rated it it was amazing
The psychological horror in this one is simply amazing!! The characters are messed up, the pacing is incredible and the atmosphere is super tense. Don't read it unless you want a wild ride!
Plus, this manhwa can either make you hate or love the song 'Killing me softly'.
I'm excited for season two!!
Jan 16, 2017Devann rated it it was amazing

Killing Stalking Sangwoo

Shelves: g-horror, sg-lgbtia, cr-morally-gray, 5-0-star, a-adult, c-dl, t-graphic-novel

Killing Stalking Yoonbum

this! is so good! i mean fair warning, not for everyone. does what it says on the tin. dead dove do not eat and all that. i would describe it as misery crossed with hannibal [the tv show] crossed with ..idk, yaoi i guess. which is literally right up my alley. love it.
quite disturbing but good so far
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How many chapters in Volume 1? 1 11Sep 08, 2017 06:34AM
Thoughts? 2 10Jun 19, 2017 03:39AM
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Killing Stalking(5 books)