
Mount And Blade Warband Followers

Mount & Blade: Warband Codes On the Launcher, select Configuration and then check the 'Enable Cheats' box. The gold cheat only works in the inventory screen, the health cheat only works in battle, the instant kill cheat only works in battle, the see everything on the map cheat only works on the map screen, the AI take over character cheat only.

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Mount&Blade Table of Contents Walkthrough

Table of Contents

  • Character creation

Mount And Blade Companions Guide

  • Weapons
Each companion dislikes the companions on either side of them (Example: Borcha dislikes Deshavi and Klethi). If you wish to maximize your number of companions, you can choose 2-3 from the top circle and 4-5 from the bottom circle that are not touching. The two-way arrows indicates companions that like each other, which can help balance dislikes, increasing the effective limit.

In Mount&Blade you are not the only hero. When exploring the taverns of Calradia you will come across some named people who are willing to join your cause, for a price of course. Their locations are random and will change from time to time, so check taverns regularly until you find all of them. You can also pay a Traveler to tell you the location of any companion (30 denars per name).

Just like your character, companions heal between battles on a percentage basis and can never be killed or taken prisoner, although some mods alter this.

At low levels, companions are very weak; most of the time if you don't completely obliterate the enemy you'll end up realizing that your companions have been knocked out. However, since companions can level just like the player character they can end up much more powerful than even the highest-level troops. Outside battle they contribute their skills to the party as a whole (see the party page).

Likes and dislikes[edit]

Each Companion has individual likes and dislikes. Each likes one other Companion and dislikes two others, and these feelings are mutual. Over time, their dislike will probably make one decide to leave. If you follow the story a Companion tells you during your first meeting you will get an idea of what Companions and actions they will like or dislike.


Each Companion tends toward a specialization. Certain skills will contribute to the party as a whole; others are personal or leader only (useless in a Companion, but when made vassal becomes useful). When a Companion's health falls to 33% or below the name will be shown in red text and any of their skills that were aiding the party will not work until they heal above 33%. Those with healing abilities should be kept at the bottom of the party list to ensure that they see less battle and therefore are less likely to be wounded too badly to heal others.

Looting is the only party skill whose base attribute is Agility (Klethi is the member best suited for looting as her Agility can be raised the quickest).

Trade is the only party skill whose base attribute is Charisma (if you want to have a large party, then Charisma is necessary, so you should specialize in trade yourself).

All other party skills are Intelligence-based. It is possible to maintain extremely high intelligence party skills with only two companions by only raising their intelligence attributes and putting most of their available skill points into party skills (e.g. teach Ymira First Aid, Wound Treatment, and Surgery, teach Borcha Spotting, Tracking, and Path-Finding and give each of them either Engineering or Tactics. Every three levels will give the companions six skill points to upgrade four party skills with two left-over to upgrade personal skill. It goes without saying that those two members will be poor soldiers and should be well-protected at the bottom of the party list. They will also gain the bulk of their experience through training and quest completion.


One of the biggest advantages Companions have over standard troops is that they can gain levels and develop their skills in the same way as your own character. You can even customize their gear, outfitting them with exactly what you want them to use.

To customize a Companion's abilities when they level up, open the party screen () and talk to the hero you want to upgrade, then choose 'Tell me about yourself', and you will see that Companion's character window. To customize their equipment do the same but choose 'Let me see your equipment', and you will see the inventory. Just as with your own character, Companions can only use equipment if they meet its minimum requirements.

Raiding party[edit]

Pillaging villages is a very lucrative business. Sadly some companions object to this practice, forcing you to either pillage in moderation or build a party without the heroes Bunduk, Firentis, Jeremus, Ymira and Marnid.

This table helps picking a pillage-happy party with not too much bickering. To use this table, select the champions you want and make sure everyone got a neutral or positive rating. Meaning you can not have Klethi and Artimenner, without balancing it out by having Lezalit and Deshavi too. All the companions who are not pillage-happy, or dislike it, have been removed from this table.

Hero combinations and their effect on happiness


If you make your own kingdom you can also give your companions fiefs to make them vassals. This can be a blessing early in the game because you have allies to help you fight large armies. However, if you plan to make allies you have to be careful about who you give fiefs to. Giving fiefs to companions who are not noble may anger other lords (-2 to -5 penalty). Once lords, the faction of the troop they recruit depends on their own faction.

The nobles are circled in red.
BorchaNoKhergit (tells his homeplace is a Khergit village (Dashbigha) when you pass it.)
DeshaviNoNord (tells her homeplace is a Nord village (Fearichen) when you pass it)
KatrinNoSwadia (tells her homeplace is Praven when asked about right to rule.)
KlethiNoVaegir (tells her homeplace is a vaegir village when you pass it.)
LezalitYesGeroian (says he is the youngest son of the count of Geroia, outside of Calradia)
MarnidNo? (recruits Nord soldiers when elevated to lordship)
NizarNo? (recruits Sarranids when elevated to lordship)
Mount And Blade Warband Followers

Searching for lost companions[edit]

If your companions left over a dispute or if you were defeated in battle you can randomly find them in a city tavern. The best way is to find a Traveller in a tavern and ask him where to find your companion. Then head quickly into that city, because your companion can move in the meantime.

See also[edit]

[Go to top]← Mount&Blade Companions Alayen →

Retrieved from ''
For the heroes featured in Mount&Blade: With Fire & Sword, see Heroes (With Fire & Sword).
For the heroes featured in Viking Conquest, see Heroes (Viking Conquest).

Heroes or companions are unique troops with individual names, stories, skills, attributes, and equipment (all of which can be chosen by you). Like the player character, heroes never die and are only knocked unconscious. You can never station them in garrisons. In all games except for Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord companions cannot be killed.[1]

Every Hero likes one other Hero and hates two others (they will usually tell you this after a battle) and also likes/dislikes certain actions. Often, they will talk to you when you are doing something which they do not like, such as failing quests or running low on food. They will also talk to you when you reach a certain point on the map, and tell you a bit about their history and how that particular location relates to it.

For more detailed information on ideal parties and keeping your heroes happy, see hero tactics.


Mount And Blade Warband Followers

Companions are found in taverns throughout Calradia.

Their locations are random and they will change from time to time so it is important to check back at taverns regularly.

Many of them require money before they join your party, but some will join for free. Regardless of recruitment cost, all require the same wages according to their level. Since they do not have a strict level cap, they can eventually exceed the wages of any other troop in the game once leveled high enough.

Mount and blade warband follower chart


There are several ways to (temporarily) lose a hero:

  • If you voluntarily part ways with a hero (via the dialog option or by not taking them back in after a mission), you can just pick them up again (no recruitment cost). You can ask a Traveller in the tavern for the position of each hero that once was in your group, so it is advisable to recruit them all once and then release them if you cannot use them right away.
  • If you are taken prisoner, you have to wait until you are free. When freed, some heroes might be freed with you, but may also be captured and you will need to see a Ransom Broker to get them free for money (in which case they will come to you within 1-2 days), or have to free them like every other prisoner. If one has escaped on their own, were not captured, or released due to a peace treaty, they can be found in taverns as usual.
  • If you keep heroes with dislikes against other heroes in the same group, those heroes might eventually leave 'to go back home' or 'settle down'. They can not be found via traveller as they do not respawn right away. Instead, it takes several weeks before they respawn, at which point they can be found again. If you have trouble finding them that might have to do with renown. Some companions which left on their own decision will not reappear until your renown exceeds the renown at the time when they left + 100 (avg.). After that a traveller should know the location.
  • If you lend a hero to a lord via the Lend companion quest and that lord acquires a hostile relation with you or swears loyalty to another faction, you won't be able to meet that hero unless several in-game weeks have passed. During that time, you can't find the hero via a traveller. The lost hero will eventually find you on their own.

The HeroesEdit

The table below lists all of the heroes available to the player. Robbing refers to pillaging villages as well as robbing caravans, although demanding protection money from caravans and stealing cattle from villages is not objectionable. The 'Skills' column shows each Hero's best skills (usually level 3).

YesYmiraMarnid, NizarFailing Quests, Baheshtur as emissary, Retreating300Power Strike, Weapon Master, Riding
NoLezalitJeremus, KlethiHunger, Failing Quests, Heavy Casualties, Katrin as emissary300Engineer, Trade, Tactics
YesRolfKatrin, MarnidHunger, Not Being Paid, Retreating, Heavy Casualties, Ymira as emissary400Power Draw, Weapon Master, Horse Archery
NoMarnidDeshavi, KlethiHeavy Casualties, Alayen as emissary300Tracking, Pathfinding, Spotting
NoKatrinLezalit, RolfRobbing Villages, Heavy Casualties, Nizar as emissary200Ironflesh, Weapon Master, Power Strike
NoKlethiBorcha, RolfHunger, Heavy Casualties, Bunduk as emissaryFreePathfinding, Spotting, Tracking
YesJeremusNizar, KatrinRobbing Villages, Failing Quests, Rolf as emissaryFreeAthletics
NoFirentisArtimenner, MatheldRobbing Villages, Returning Serfs, Klethi as emissaryFreeWound Treatment, Trade, First Aid, Surgery
NoBundukFirentis, BaheshturHunger, Not Being Paid, Heavy Casualties, Lezalit as emissary100Ironflesh, Trade
NoDeshaviBorcha, ArtimennerMarnid as emissary, Retreating200Power Throw, Path Finding, Spotting
YesArtimennerYmira, BundukRetreating, Borcha as emissary400Power Strike, Weapon Master, Trainer
NoBorchaAlayen, BaheshturRobbing Villages or Caravans, Failing Quests, Returning Serfs, Matheld as emissaryFreeTrade
YesNizarYmira, JeremusRetreating, Firentis as emissary500Weapon Master, Athletics
NoMatheldFirentis, AlayenRetreating, Jeremus as emissary300Ironflesh, Power Strike, Weapon Master, Athletics
YesBaheshturDeshavi, BundukRetreating, Artimenner as emissary300Athletics, Tactics
NoAlayenMatheld, LezalitRobbing Villages, Leaving troops to cover, Retreating, Returning Serfs, Kill instead of mercy in kill local merchant quest, Deshavi as emissaryFreeRiding, First Aid, Trade

Skill ChartEdit


Mount And Blade Companion List

Heroes have the same leveling process as the player, allowing them to increase in stat proficiencies and weapon skills. You also have the ability to change the heroes' equipment for your tactical needs. To manage this, go to the party screen (Hotkey: P) and talk to the hero. Ask to 'know about them' or ask to 'see their equipment' to change these options, respectively. Stats rely on the heroes' performance in battle/experience and their equipment relies on items in your inventory. Both create a domino effect, requiring one to get the other. For example, an armor that requires 9 strength requires more stats. However, a decent weapon is required get enough experience in battle to get that stat required for the better armor.


In Mount&Blade: Warband, your companions can be made into lords and given towns, villages or castles. However, other vassals may dislike having a commoner holding a fief. Therefore, the best companions to make into a vassal should be a noble (you can look more closely at their story: Matheld, Lezalit, Rolf, Alayen, Baheshtur, and Firentis). If a hero is made into a lord and defects from your faction, and said faction is then defeated, they can again be found in taverns and recruited to your party, but will retain their own coat of arms, their title, and the equipment they had as a lord.

Be careful when choosing to appoint a companion as lord, as they replace their body armor with Heraldic Mail with Tabard, shield with Knightly Kite Shield, mount with Courser, and weapons to Arming Sword and Light Lance. They will not replace these items if their current equipment is superior (e.g., if a companion is currently wearing Plate Armor, they will keep it rather than replace it). However, they will always keep the head, hand, and leg armor they currently have equipped.

Dislike (Hero) As EmissaryEdit

Sending heroes out to convince other lords that you should be the rightful ruler of Calradia can have a negative impact on morale for other heroes. The 'dislike as emissary' system is a single loop. Each hero in this list dislikes the person immediately after as emissary.

Alayen → Baheshtur → Ymira → Deshavi → Bunduk → Nizar → Jeremus → Klethi → Marnid → Matheld → Firentis → Rolf → Artimenner → Katrin → Lezalit → Borcha → Alayen

This event only occurs in the Warband expansion.


It is possible to marry a hero, but only for female characters. It requires the following steps:

  1. Start your own kingdom.
  2. Appoint a male hero to a vassal.
  3. After male lord declares to be your most ardent admirer, gain relation.
  4. Propose and marry.

Court Minister and EmissariesEdit

As a monarch, appointing companions to be your minister is highly recommended, as a prominent citizen is never skilled in politics, and will not give you many options which you can use to manage your realm. All companions have the same capabilities, so choose someone not very useful or someone that constantly deserts your army in your party.

One can train companions to be good emissaries by increasing their Persuasion skill, increasing the chance of success. Ymira could be trained in such a way. When she is in your party, she could be a medic next to Jeremus and Katrin, but she could be sent out as emissary from time to time. Note that kings will very often reject truce or goodwill regardless of Persuasion level, even if the skill is at 10.

References Edit


Mount And Blade War Band Cheats

See alsoEdit