
Reddit Heir Of Light

Although the combat takes place in a fast-paced, 3D arena, at its core Heir Of Light follows the basic gacha formula, complete with summoning randomized creatures, evolution, adding runes, and so on.

The only hope to restore light and order lies with you, an Heir of Light. Embark on a crusade to renew a hope that has been lost for generations. Ready your weapon and journey to restore the light of the world! Features Be A Light in the Darkness - Shine light upon a world shrouded in darkness. Heir of Light drops you into a gothic world full of dangerous beasts who’re out to destroy your world. This developer curated tips guide will give you the know-how needed to claim victory. After a beta at the end of 2017, Gamevil has opened up pre-registration for their upcoming RPG Heir of Light. Developed by Funflow, Heir of Light contains gacha hero collection mechanics.As with most gacha games, Heir of Light features auto play, lots of heroes to collect, and a variety of modes.

Of course that means there's a tier list to learn so you can put together the best possible team of warriors -- assuming you get lucky enough to summon the highest ranked creatures!

Heir Of Light Tier List


We won't bother listing the nat 1 star creatures, as in the vast majority of cases these are just fodder for enhancing your stronger characters. Creatures come in different elements as they evolve and awaken, so you may see the same name repeatedly or on different ranking tables.

Keep in mind that creatures can be upgraded via rune enhancements to shore up weaknesses or exaggerate natural strengths, so your mileage may vary and in some cases lower ranked creatures may actually be better than listed.

S Rank

These are the indispensable Heir Of Light creatures that will nearly always beat out all others, regardless of element, level, or rune loadout. You want these creatures in your battles as often as possible.

Heylel DarkRanged DPS
Opehelia Light Support
Lucien [A] ForestSupport
Carmilla Water Tank
Xita Light Melee DPS
Lucien Fire Ranged DPS
Lucien Light Healer
Lucien Dark Ranged DPS
Enoch Light Tank
Leto LightHealer
Leto DarkRanged DPS
Rem FireTank
Henri Dark Tank
A Rank

Only slightly less useful than S rank, these creatures have a few flaws that mean they won't always dominate in every situation, but in most cases these will result in very powerful combat groups.

Ishmael Dark Tank
Bjorn Fire Melee DPS
Miya Forest Healer
Saighead Water Ranged DPS
Rem Water Melee DPS
Rem Forest Tank
Heylel Light Healer
Leto [A] Forest Ranged DPS
Leto [A] Fire Ranged DPS
Leto [A] Water Support
Lucien [A] Water Ranged DPS
Lucien [A] Dark Healer
Lucien Water Support
Lucien Forest Ranged DPS
Carmilla Dark Melee DPS
Carmilla Light Melee DPS
Xita Fire Melee DPS
XitaWater Melee DPS
XitaForest Melee DPS
XitaDark Melee DPS
LetoWater Support
Koume Fire Melee DPS
Koume Water Melee DPS
Hopkins Dark Ranged DPS
Griselda Forest Tank
Hern Forest Healer
Hern Light Support
Laura Light Ranged DPS
Laura Fire Ranged DPS
Belladonas Fire Support
Enoch Dark Melee DPS
Torhino Water Healer
Torhino Forest Tank
Reynar Light Melee DPS
Mary Water Ranged DPS
Mary Light Healer
Gretel Light Melee DPS
Dunkelhund Dark Healer
Gwyllgi Dark Melee DPS
B Rank

Reddit Heir Of Light Movie

These are the basic mid-range creatures that you will be struggling with until you can luck out with the higher rankings. Although not terrible, each one has some flaw that makes them less useful in combat than they could be compared to other creatures.

RemLight Melee DPS
RemDark Tank
HeylelFire Ranged DPS
HeylelWater Support
HeylelForest Healer
Leto [A]Light Ranged DPS
Leto [A]Dark Ranged DPS
Lucien [A]Light Ranged DPS
CarmillaForest Support
LetoFire Ranged DPS
LetoForest Support
KoumeLight Melee DPS
KoumeDark Melee DPS
HopkinsFire Ranged DPS
HopkinsWater Ranged DPS
HopkinsForest Ranged DPS
HopkinsLight Ranged DPS
GriseldaFire Healer
GriseldaLight Support
GriseldaDark Tank
HernFire Melee DPS
HernWater Support
LauraForest Ranged DPS
LauraDark Ranged DPS
BelladonasWaterRanged DPS
BelladonasForestRanged DPS
BelladonasLightRanged DPS
BelladonasDarkRanged DPS
CharlotteFireMelee DPS
CharlotteWaterMelee DPS
CharlotteForestMelee DPS
CharlotteLightMelee DPS
CharlotteDarkMelee DPS
UsherFire Tank
UsherLight Melee DPS
EnochFire Melee DPS
EnochWater Melee DPS
EnochForestMelee DPS
TorhinoFire Tank
HenriFire Tank
HenriWater Tank
HenriForest Tank
Henri LightTank
MaratWater Support
C Rank

This is generally the bottom of the barrel, but there is some variation within the creatures at this ranking. Some of these characters can be used strategically to decent effect, while others are straight up garbage. In most cases, you want anyone else besides these characters, however.

Heir Of Light Reddit Tier List

CarmillaFire Melee DPS
KoumeForest Support
GriseldaWater Tank
LauraWater Support
UsherWater Melee DPS
UsherForest Melee DPS
UsherDark Melee DPS
TorhinoDark Melee DPS
MaryFire Healer
GwyllgiFireMelee DPS
MaratFire Melee DPS
MonolithFire Tank
RhamaanFire Tank
OtikFire Tank
GottorpFire Melee DPS

Garbage like this exists to recycle for leveling your higher star characters

Reddit Heir Of Light Bulb

How would you rank the various Heir Of Light characters, and what did you think of our tier list rankings? Let us know your favorite team to use in battle in the comments below!