
Change Font Of Sticky Notes

How can the default font be changed for the Windows 7 Sticky Notes application? I can't stand that faux handwriting font it uses.

Tamara Wijsman
50.7k25 gold badges165 silver badges248 bronze badges

Open sticky notes, open Wordpad, open a new sticky note by clicking on '+' on a sticky notes, in Wordpad type what you want, change the color, then copy it by putting the cursor at the end of the line, highlight the text by holding down the left mouse button, drag the cursors to the beginning of the line, then right click and copy or CTRL+C then. Feb 3, 2018 - Microsoft has updated the Sticky Notes app on Windows 10, giving it a new color picker UI and options to change font size. I would like to ask a question on sticky note. Is there any way to change the default font of it, to prevent it from displaying the handwritten like.

Steve CraneSteve Crane
1,3034 gold badges13 silver badges24 bronze badges

7 Answers

Here's a .reg file you can just double-click that will change the Segoe fonts to the Consolas within the registry. Created and tested working on Windows 8.1 Preview

Linked code:

Log out and the font used by the Sticky Notes app should be legible.


There are workarounds.

If you cut-and-paste text from another program, let's say Word, to a Sticky Note, that note will take on the original fonts the text was in.

To change size, luckily there are keyboard shortcuts..

Ctrl + Shift + > makes the font bigger

Ctrl + Shift + < makes the font smaller

There is a complete list of keyboard shortcuts available here.

167k48 gold badges467 silver badges483 bronze badges
18.6k5 gold badges43 silver badges60 bronze badges

I know this is an old question, but I have an answer that might be better than deleting the font, but will still render the Segoe Print font useless.In the registry, you can change the font that Windows thinks is Segoe Print and Segoe Print Bold

  1. Navigate to:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionFonts
  2. First, export that key so you have a backup.
  3. Find Segoe Print (TrueType)
  4. Change the value to the file name of any other font that you wish to use that is already installed (navigate that registry key to find others).
  5. Do the same for the 'Segoe Print Bold (TrueType)' and match it to the Bold version of this font.
  6. Then, log out and back on.

There is a workaround for the default font in sticky notes.

The default typeface for notes is Segoe Print and if you don't use this font for anything else you can delete it from your system, after which sticky notes will use MS Sans Serif as the default font.

Steve CraneSteve Crane
1,3034 gold badges13 silver badges24 bronze badges

Answer by NudeRaider

You can download a .MUI editor and modify the sticky notes mui file and change the font to whatever you want.


First of all thanks for the tip with the MUI file. With it I could successfully change the default font the sticky notes are using. Btw. plain notepad works fine for editing.

To solve the access denied problem you have to be administrator, and take control of the file first and then add full access permissions for your user name.

Step by step:
- right click the file -> properties
- Security tab -> advanced
- Owner tab -> edit
- click your user name -> OK
- Permissions tab -> change permissions
- add..
- enter your user name (or click advanced to search for it) -> OK
- click the top left check box (allow > full access) -> OK
- OK -> OK -> OK that's it, now you can access the file.

Then you can remove the write protection but you still can't overwrite the file because notepad doesn't let you save in that folder. So save the edited MUI file elsewhere and copy it into the en-us folder. Then restart your computer or it won't take effect.

Also note that the en-us folder depends on your system language (e.g. de-de for german), but the filename itself always stays StikyNot.exe.mui.

IMHO, switching to something like would be your best bet.


You can copy the text into a Notepad window and change the font there to whatever you like and then copy the text back into the note, and the font will stick.

I also found a nice freeware tool named StickyTool that expands the functionality of the Windows 7 Sticky Notes. The current version, however, is not able to change the default font of the Sticky Notes application, but I know from one of the developers that they want to integrate that in a future version.

Peter Mortensen
8,46616 gold badges61 silver badges85 bronze badges

protected by Jeff AtwoodJan 28 '11 at 7:26

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Sticky Notes is one of the useful programs and in early days, the option is available for users to change the font size of the text a lot easier. However, for some unknown reason, Microsoft decided to get rid of this feature in the latest Windows Update. One would expect that the feature will be replaced by an even more useful feature but it’s not which makes the Sticky Notes app worse than before. Worry not though for it doesn’t have to stay that way as there is other thing you can try to change the font size in your Sticky Notes app and that’s what we’re going to cover in this post.

As mentioned, Microsoft removing this font feature is quite strange and in the past, users asked for this feature and since it’s no longer available, you can try following the steps given below to bring it back. And for that, you need to go to the Ease of Access section in the Settings app. Refer to the steps given below to for more instructions.

Change Font On Sticky Notes Windows

Step 1: First, tap the Win + I keys to open Settings and then go to the Ease of Access section.

Step 2: After going to the Ease of Access menu and select Display from the list of options.

Step 3: From there, you should see an option that says “Make text bigger”. And then use your mouse to navigate to the slider to change the size of the font.

Note: Take note that after doing all the steps above, it will change not just the Sticky Notes app but also everything in Windows 10. This method is actually the best since it only changes the size of the apps rather than a wholesale change in your Windows 10 computer.

Step 4: Next, scroll under Display until you see the “Change the size of apps and text on the main display” option where you’ll see that the option is 100% but you’ll want to change that to 125%.

Step 5: After that, click on the drop-down menu and select 125% and then restart your Windows 10 computer.

Step 6: Now open the Sticky Notes app and check if you can now change the font size in the Sticky Notes app.

Now that you’re able to change the Font size in your Sticky Notes app, If you have other system-related issues on your Windows 10 PC, then you have to consider using a one-click solution to fix the problem and other issues you have on your PC all at once. This one-click solution is known as Advanced System Repair. This efficient program is a useful tool that could repair corrupted registries and optimize your PC’s overall performance. Aside from that, it also cleans out your computer for any junk or corrupted files that help you eliminate any unwanted files from your system. This is basically a solution that’s within your grasp with just a click. It’s easy to use as it is user-friendly. For complete set of instructions in downloading and using it, refer to the steps below. Mega evolution special 2.

Change Font Of Sticky Notes

Perform a full system scan using ASR. To do so, follow the instructions below.

  1. Turn on your computer. If it’s already on, you have to reboot it.
  2. After that, the BIOS screen will be displayed, but if Windows pops up instead, reboot your computer and try again. Once you’re on the BIOS screen, repeat pressing F8, by doing so the Advanced Option shows up.
  1. To navigate the Advanced Option use the arrow keys and select SafeMode with Networking then hit
  2. Windows will now load the SafeMode with Networking.
  3. Press and hold both R key and Windows key.
  1. If done correctly, the Windows Run Box will show up.
  2. Type in the URL address, in the Run dialog box and then tap Enter or click OK.
  3. After that, it will download the program. Wait for the download to finish and then open the launcher to install the program.
  4. Once the installation process is completed, run ASR to perform a full system scan.

Change Font Of Sticky Notes Windows 10

  1. After the scan is completed click the “Fix, Clean & Optimize Now” button.