
Shock Trooper Star Wars Battlefront

Shock Troopers are a specialisation of Imperial Stormtroopers, typically armed with heavier weapons then their rank-and-file brethren.

  1. Shock Trooper Star Wars Battlefront
  2. Star Wars Battlefront 1 Shock Trooper

I think the reason for that is because EA/DICE want to keep the immersion 'realistic' to the Star Wars lore. I know that the Officer's are getting skins, but they are literally just new heads which to be honest, doesn't even make me smile. A list of skins they could add: Galactic Empire - Shadow Trooper - Tie Pilot - Shock Trooper - Riot Trooper.

Star Wars: Battlefront seriesEdit

In the original Star Wars: Battlefront, its sequel and the Renegade Squadron, they’re identical to all other anti-armor classes and have the same equipment. They also possess considerably more health then other classes, but also have the slowest movement speed.

Their primary weapon is a shoulder-mounted missile launcher, which fires slow-travelling green-hued missiles (up to 8 can be carried at any given time). These missiles will instantly destroy infantry, most turrets and speeder bikes, but many shots are required against the AAC-1s and the Renegade Squadron's T4-Bs. Using the “lock-on” mode with the missile launcher will highlight the weak spots on the vehicles, where all shots will deal increased damage. After hitting them 3 times, you will be able to use 4 guided rockets with it: they don’t replace the regular missiles but are used alongside them as a tertiary fire mode, with. These missiles can be slowed down or accelerated much like the starfighters; they much easier to aim when they’re slowed down but are only worth it at highest speed, when they explode with high damage over a large area. As such, they should only really be used at large, open maps where you have time to boost them to full speed.

Their secondary weapon is a regular blaster pistol with infinite ammo but high overheat that can be replaced with the Award precision pistol after killing 6 people with it. They also have two regular Thermal Detonators and 3 mines. The latter are very, very powerful, killing everyone and destroying full-health tanks in 3m radius. Even though they take about two seconds to activate, they should never be set up in the heat of combat, as the blast is guaranteed to kill you alongside the enemies (unless, of course, you have turned the friendly fire off or are about to die anyway). Mines don’t take any damage from regular weapons, but will be destroyed by the explosives. The Engineer classes will also safely walk past them and can destroy them with fusion cutters.

AI-controlled Shock Troopers almost always fight with pistols, very rarely using their missile launchers against vehicles, heroes and on large maps over the long distances. They will use grenades against vehicles and in tight spots as often as everyone else, but only set up mines on a handful of maps. Some of them will occasionally use the guided rockets, the only case of AI unlocking the AWARD weapons. Sometimes, they will also use combat rolls to avoid grenades or particularly heavy fire.

Star Wars: Jedi AcademyEdit

In this game, the player will often encounter stormtroopers wearing similar backpacks and equipped with machine guns or shotguns instead of the regular blaster rifles. As such, they're somewhat more challenging then regular troopers, but will still die easily to your weapons or the Force powers. It should be noted that it is possible to have them surrender if you disarm them through the use of advanced Force Pull or very light Force Choke (they will still attack you as soon as they can find new weapons, though) It is unclear what they're actually called because the game never mentions this.

Imperial shock trooper

Historical information

Formed from

Other information


Shock troopers were the elite members of the ImperialStormtrooper Corps, specialized in the use of various non-standard weapons and equipment. They were also distinguishable from standard stormtroopers by their extra heavy plate armor. Some even wore different color markings on their armor similar to the markings used by Phase I clone trooper armor to denote their rank.


Imperial shock troopers were trained to fulfill various battlefield support roles and carried a wide variety of equipment. Shock troopers were effective against enemy armor columns and in infantry lightfight.[3] Some, equipped with MiniMag shoulder-launched proton torpedo launcher and thermal detonators, acted as anti-vehicle units on the battlefield. They also carried additional explosives, including Baradium-core code key thermal detonators and KE-6b mines. Shock troopers also carried SE-14r blasters as a back-up sidearm.[2] Others, equipped with DC-15A blaster rifles and DC-17 hand blasters used by clone troopers during the Clone Wars, acted as security on strategic locations throughout the Empire. Some shock troopers utilized jetpacks for additional mobility in battle, much like the Imperial jumptroopers.[source?] Certain shock troopers wore armor similar to sandtroopers.[2] Other shock troopers wore a different form of armor.[4]


Galactic EmpireEdit

Shock troopers were part of the Imperial Military since shortly after the Declaration of a New Order[5] in 19 BBY.[1] They saw action in a variety of battlefields,[2] and a number were part of the 501st Legion.[5]

Many were under the command of Imperial slave driver Zarien Kheev, while others were seen guarding strategic locations throughout the Galactic Empire. During her various missions, Rebel operative Rianna Saren encountered those shock troopers on several occasions.[6]

Imperial RemnantEdit

Long after the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War, the former Galactic Empire was reduced to a handful of backwater sectors in the Outer Rim Territories, collectively known as the Imperial Remnant. As the Galactic Alliance strengthened its control over the galaxy, the Remnant focused on organizing its few remaining territories while simultaneously keeping the Imperial Military up to date.[7] As a result, the stormtroopers of the Imperial Remnant were superior as professional soldiers in comparison to the stormtroopers of the old Empire. The Remnant also invested a great deal of attention to the shock troopers, the elite within the elite Stormtrooper Corps.[8]

Together, the shock troopers comprised the Imperial Elite Guard, a well-trained military unit responsible for protecting the government of Bastion. By the time of the Second Galactic Civil War, the Sith LordDarth Caedus added the Imperial Remnant to the Galactic Alliance's list of allies. Apart from being the legacy of his grandfather, the Remnant possessed enough ships, arms and the right kind of ideology to help the Alliance win the war. But even with all of those assets, Caedus was also very impressed with the Elite Guard's shock troopers and their reputation as highly skilled soldiers on the level of Darth Vader's 501st Legion.[8]

After Caedus successfully negotiated the Imperial Remnant's entry into the war, the combined naval forces of the Alliance and the Remnant rendezvoused at the planetFondor, one of the rebellious worlds that betrayed the Alliance in order to join Corellia'sConfederation. A contingent of shock troopers were stationed on the Bloodfin 1sg speeches change of responsibility. , the flagship of Imperial Head of StateGilad Pellaeon. In the midst of the Second Battle of Fondor, the Alliance forces became divided between its two Joint-Chiefs of State, Darth Caedus and AdmiralCha Niathal; the majority of the Alliance fleet remained loyal to Caedus.[8]

When Tahiri Veila, Darth Caedus' Jedispy and enforcer, assassinated Pellaeon for siding with Niathal against her master, the Imperial Remnant's MoffCouncil quickly declared their support for Caedus. However, much of the Bloodfin's crew mutinied in retaliation for the death of Pellaeon, thus splitting up the shock troopers between the ones that remained loyal to the Moffs, and the rest that were loyal to the fallen Grand Admiral. When Jaina Solo and a team of Mandalorians infiltrated the Bloodfin, they became caught in the crossfire between the two Imperial sides. At the same time, the shock troopers were fighting to the best of their ability to protect the Moffs while Veila escaped after being personally rescued by Darth Caedus. In the aftermath of the battle, the Bloodfin was lost and the remaining shock troopers on board were forced to surrender.[8] The Imperial Remnant's shock troopers continued to serve alongside Darth Caedus' Galactic Alliance forces until the end of the Second Galactic Civil War in 41 ABY.[9]

Behind the scenesEdit

The appearance and function of shock troopers varies in different Star Warsvideo games. While in Lethal Alliance their role and armor is similar to that of regular stormtroopers, in the Battlefront video games, the term 'shock trooper' is applied to what appears to simply be a standard stormtrooper armed and equipped for an anti-vehicle role; they wear the standard armor of an Imperial sandtrooper, with an orange rank pauldron and a large equipment backpack, and they carry a missile launcher well-suited for engaging enemy armored vehicles. Meanwhile, on planets such a Hoth and Rhen Var, Battlefront depicts shock troopers as snowtroopers armed with missile launchers. In the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight video games, they carry light repeating blasters and have armor similar to the shock troopers in Battlefront.

Shock Trooper Star Wars Battlefront


  • Scoundrels(Mentioned only)
  • Honor Among Thieves(Mentioned only)
  • Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided
  • X-Wing: The Krytos Trap(First mentioned)
  • Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II(First appearance)
Star wars battlefront review


  • Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card GameThe Shadow Syndicate(Card: Shock Trooper Leggings)
  • Star Wars: The Card GameIt Binds All Things(Card: Hoth Reinforcements)

Notes and referencesEdit

Star Wars Battlefront 1 Shock Trooper

  1. 1.01.1Shock troopers were seen in action shortly after the Declaration of a New Order, which The Essential Atlas places in 19 BBY.
  2. Wars: Battlefront
  3. Star Wars Battlefront: Prima Official Game Guide
  4. Star Wars Galaxies
  5. 5.05.1Star Wars: Battlefront II
  6. Star Wars: Lethal Alliance
  7. The Essential Atlas
  8. of the Force: Revelation
  9. Legacy of the Force: Invincible