
Saints Row 3 Custom Characters

Good news for our Sekiro, Resident Evil 2 (2019), Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines, Dawn of Man, and Surviving Mars communities! As of version 0.18.5, our new mod manager Vortex now supports modding for all of the above games meaning you can use Vortex to mod 59 different games total. I like some of the things in Saints Row the Third, and I think the craziness is pretty fun, but ultimately I think that Saints Row 2 is the better game. I just found that Saints Row The Third has less entertainment and it hits a point where it isn't that much fun anymore.

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In today's gang-related edition of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Nameloi wants to get a good look at the face of your Saints Row: The Third gang leader. What hath the game's character customization wrought?

Saints Row 3 Custom Characters Hot


Fellow Kotakus, are you playing Saints Row 3? Let's see your custom characters, and don't forget to post why it looks like that.

Here is mine, I was going for a female police officer look similar to the characters in Crackdown (which didn't have playable females).

About Speak Up on Kotaku: Our readers have a lot to say, and sometimes what they have to say has nothing to do with the stories we run. That's why we have a forum on Kotaku called Speak Up. That's the place to post anecdotes, photos, game tips and hints, and anything you want to share with Kotaku at large. Every weekday we'll pull one of the best Speak Up posts we can find and highlight it here.

Saints Row 3 Custom Characters

The Saints Row IV: Inauguration Station, which is just the executive branch's fancy way of saying 'character creator,' is now available on Steam as a free demo. After making or signing into a Saints Row account and designing a stupid, stupid human avatar, you can upload your character to be retrieved when Saints Row IV releases later this month. Series veterans can also download and work with their Saints Row: The Third characters, because what if you just can't get 'Rasta Shrek' right again?

Uploaded characters go on display at the Saints Row website . Currently popular are Marvel and Star Wars characters, as well as a topless woman whose nipples are frighteningly approximated by pink pasties.

I've got to say, for a game so bent on being raunchy, the male 'sex appeal' slider is disappointing. What's with the A-cup bulges? Maxed out women grow county-fair-winning gourds, so shouldn't maxed out men be tripping over themselves? I guess the costume below will just have to do.

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Saints Row IV releases August 20th in the US, and August 23rd in the UK.