Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Ranks
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Ranking Up with XP and Challenges - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Guide with all 45 Enemy Intel Locations on Video. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare ditches the World War II setting of the past Call of Duty games to tell a story set in contemporary times, and backs it up with a solid, feature-rich multiplayer mode. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has three different game modes: Campaign, Spec Ops, and Multiplayer. Campaign is a single-player mode where the player completes eighteen levels connected by an overarching plot. Each level features a series of objectives to fulfill, and the player will often switch characters between levels.
I ended up in a hacked server. One of the hacks was - if you die by your own hand (such as falling off a skyscraper in my case) your rank (at your current prestige level) becomes 70.
While this is advantagous in that it partially unlocked things I wanted (ninja pro, claymores) so that I could earn them. It means that a) I'm not earning xp as I play and b) I am level 70 without things fully unlocked.
(When I refer to 'partially' and 'fully' I mean that a partially unlocked thing means I still have to complete a challenge to get it, but it is 'unlocked' for my level. Fully unlocked means I have it. I can use it)
Is there a way to restore my account back to where it was (about level 15 third prestige)
1 Answer
There is just one thing...if you are running on OS that back-ups your files you can roll-back to a date prior to the hacked lobby.
My account was hacked too, i tried everything on the steam forums and the only thing that did work was going back to level 1, no prestige. Unfortunately i ticked off back-up.
I'm sorry that you had to work on your 3rd prestige and be hacked.
EDIT: if you want to try something look at the solutions posted here:
I've tried most of them but as i said they didn't work out, except the one where i could go back to level 1 without reinstalling my copy of MW2.
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# | Title | Image | Rewarded for | Confirmed? | Unlock Type? |
1 | FNG (Fucking New Guy) | Default title.(level 1) | Yes | Default | |
2 | S.S.D.D. (Same Shit, Different Day) | Reach Rank 'Private I (level 2) | Yes | Rank | |
3 | Sgt. (Sergeant) | Reach Rank 'Sergeant'(level 20) | Yes | Rank | |
4 | 1st Sgt. (First Sergeant) | Reach Rank 'Sergeant Major II'(level 30) | Yes | Rank | |
5 | 1st Lt. (Lieutenant) | Reach Rank 'Captain'(level 40) | Yes | Rank | |
6 | Maj. (Major) | Reach Rank 'Colonel'(level 50) | Yes | Rank | |
7 | Gen. (General) | Reach Rank 'Major General II'(level 60) | Yes | Rank | |
8 | Commander | Reach Rank 'Commander'(level 70) | Yes | Rank | |
9 | M W 2 | Reach Prestige 1, Level 69 | Yes | Rank | |
10 | Dish the Rock | Most assists in a game (level 1) | Yes | General Gameplay | |
11 | Team Player | Challenge: 'Team Player: I'- Win 5 Team Deathmatch Matches.(level 11) | Yes | Game mode | |
12 | Sidekick | Challenge: 'Sidekick'-3 kills in one life with your secondary weapon.(level 1,5,11) | Yes | General Gameplay | |
13 | Lone Wolf | Challenge: 'Free-for-all Victor: I' - Place first, second or third in 3 Free-for-all matches.(level 11) | Yes | Game mode | |
14 | Hair Trigger | Challenge: 'Sleight of Hand Pro: V'- Get 300 Kills while using Sleight of Hand.(level 5) | Yes | Perk | |
15 | Sureshot | Challenge: 'Steady Aim Pro: I' - Get 10 hipfire kills using Steady Aim.(level 5) | Yes | Perk | |
16 | Flyswatter | Challenge: 'Flyswatter' - Shoot down an enemy helicopter.(level 6) | Yes | General Gameplay | |
17 | Close Support | Challenge: 'Hardline Pro VI' - 250 killstreaks (2 or more kills) with Hardline.(level 19) | Yes | Perk | |
18 | Overwatch | Challenge: 'Exposed: I'(lvl21) - Call in 5 UAVs. | Yes | Kill streak | |
19 | NBK (Natural Born Killer) | Challenge: 'NBK'(lvl31) - Get 3 longshots in one life. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
20 | Ghillie in the Mist | Challenge: 'Ghillie in the Mist: II'(lvl6) - Get 100 one-shot kills with sniper rifles. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
21 | Art of Stealth | Challenge: 'Ninja Pro: VI'(lvl29) - Get 250 close range kills using Ninja. | Yes | Perk | |
22 | Time on Target | Challenge: 'Airstrike Veteran: I'(lvl16) - Call in 5 Precision Airstrikes. | Yes | Kill streak | |
23 | Preemptive Strike | Challenge: 'Hardline Pro: I'(lvl9) - Get 3 killstreaks while using Hardline. (2 kills in a row) | Yes | Perk | |
24 | Cluster Bomb | Challenge: 'Carpet Bomb '(lvl61) - Kill 5 Enemies with bombs from Harrier and / or Precision Airstrikes in one round. | Yes | Kill streak | |
25 | Low Profile | Challenge: 'Prone Shot: II'(lvl6) - Kill 15 enemies while you are prone. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
26 | Iron Lungs | Challenge: 'Steady Aim Pro: V'(lvl5) - Get 200 Hip-Fire Kills while using Steady Aim. | Yes | Perk | |
27 | Rival | Challenge: 'Rival'(41) - Kill the same enemy 5 times in a single match. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
28 | Grassy Knoll | Challenge: 'Ghillie in the Mist: I'(lvl6) - Get 50 one-shot kills with sniper rifles. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
29 | UAV Jammer | Challenge: 'Cold-Blooded Pro: V'(lvl25) - Destroy 100 Killstreak Rewards while using Cold Blooded. | Yes | Perk | |
30 | 4 the Record | Prestige 4 times and reach level 2. | Yes | Rank | |
31 | Destroyer | Challenge: 'Search and Destroy Victor: I'(lvl10) - Win 5 Search and Destroy Matches | Yes | Game mode | |
32 | It's Sabotage! | Challenge: 'Sabotage Victor: I'(lvl10) - Win 5 Sabotage matches. | Yes | Game mode | |
33 | Shock and Awe | Challenge: 'Stun Veteran: I'(lvl5) - Kill 20 enemies stunned by stun grenades. | Yes | Equipment | |
34 | Pyromaniac | Challenge: 'Backdraft: I'(lvl6) - Destroy 2 enemy equipment. | Yes | Equipment | |
35 | Concussive Barrage | Challenge: 'Think Fast Stun'(lvl43) - Finish an enemy off by hitting them with a stun grenade. (Direct impact) | Yes | General Gameplay | |
36 | Backfire | Challenge: 'Return to Sender'(lvl43) - Kill an enemy by shooting their own explosive. | Yes | Equipment | |
37 | Shot Down | Challenge: 'Crouch Shot: I'(lvl6) - Kill 5 enemies while you are crouching. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
38 | Hot Shot | Challenge: 'Defuser: I'(lvl11) - Defuse 2 bombs. | Yes | Game mode | |
39 | The Denier | Challenge: 'The Denier'(lvl61) - Kill an enemy just before they earn a 10 or higher killstreak reward. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
40 | Quickdraw | Challenge: 'Fast Swap'(lvl53) - Hurt an enemy with a primary weapon, then finish them off with a pistol. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
41 | Hired Gun | Challenge: 'Counter-C4: II'(lvl53) - Kill 10 enemies by shooting c4 | Yes | Equipment | |
42 | Bounty Hunter | Challenge: 'Hijacker: III'(lvl??)-Steal 50 enemy crates. Must be care packages. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
43 | Absentee Killer | Challenge: 'Absentee Killer'(lvl35) - Get a Game Winning Killcam with a Sentry Gun. | Yes | Kill streak | |
44 | Blindfire | Challenge: 'Blindfire'(lvl43) - Kill an enemy while you are still dazed by a flashbang. | Yes | Equipment | |
45 | Gat Trigger | Challenge: 'MG Master'(lvl64) - Get a 5 kill streak on a mounted gun. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
46 | Hands Free | Challenge 'Sentry Veteran: I'(lvl16) - Call in 5 Sentry Guns | Yes | Kill streak | |
47 | Look! No Hands! | Challenge: 'Look! No Hands!: I' (lvl5) - Get 50 kills with a Sentry Gun. | Yes | Kill streak | |
48 | The Automator | Challenge: 'Look! No Hands!: I' (lvl5) - Get 50 kills with a Sentry Gun. | Yes | Kill streak | |
49 | Rain of Fire | Challenge: 'Air to Ground: I'(lvl16) - Call in 5 Predator Missiles. | Yes | Kill streak | |
50 | Reign Down | Challenge: 'Attack Helicopter Veteran: I' (lvl16) - Call in 5 Attack Helicopters. | Yes | Kill streak | |
51 | Global Thermonuclear War | Challenge: 'End Game: I' (lvl21) - Call in 2 Nukes. | Yes | Kill streak | |
52 | Bombshell | Challenge: 'Bomb Down' (lvl11) - Kill a bomb carrier in Sabotage or Search and Destroy. | Yes | Game mode | |
53 | Tha Bomb | Challenge: 'Bomb Defender: I' (lvl11) - Kill 3 enemies while they are defusing a bomb. | Yes | Game mode | |
54 | MOAB (Massive Ordnance Air Blast, although more commonly; Mother of All Bombs) | Challenge: 'Ultimate Sacrifice' (lvl61) - Use a Tactical Nuke while your team is losing. | Yes | Kill streak | |
55 | Sarge | Reach level 25 first prestige. | Yes | Rank | |
56 | Dictator | Challenge: 'Dictator' (lvl26) - Fire an entire LMG magazine into your enemies without missing. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
57 | Enemy of the State | Challenge: 'Enemy of the State' (lvl57) - Kill 3 enemies while you are the only surviving member of your team. | Yes | Game mode | |
58 | Rolling Thunder | Challenge: 'Airstrike Inbound: II' (lvl21) - Call in 100 Precision, Stealth, or Harrier Airstrikes. | Yes | Kill streak | |
59 | Bomb's Away! | Challenge: 'Red Carpet'(lvl64) - Kill 6 Enemies in one round using the Stealth Bomber killstreak reward. | Yes | Kill streak | |
60 | EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) | Challenge: 'SitRep Pro: VI'(lvl37) - Destroy 750 enemy devices while using SitRep Pro | Yes | Perk | |
61 | Explosive Ordinance | Challenge: 'Search And Destroy Victor: II'(lvl10) - Win 15 Search And Destroy matches. | Yes | Game mode | |
62 | The Mad Bomber | Challenge: 'Saboteur: I'(lvl11) - Plant 2 bombs. | Yes | Game mode | |
63 | Boom Boom | Challenge: 'Multi-C4: I'(lvl31) - Kill 2 or more enemies with a single C4 pack, 5 times. | Yes | Equipment | |
64 | Silent Strike | Challenge: 'Ninja Pro: I'(lvl29) - Get 5 close range kills using Ninja. | Yes | Perk | |
65 | Invisible | Challenge: 'Cold Blooded Pro: I'(lvl25) - Destroy 3 killsteak rewards while using Cold Blooded. | Yes | Perk | |
66 | Suppressor | Challenge: 'Stealth: I'(lvl5) - Kill 10 enemies while using a silenced weapon. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
67 | Plastique | Challenge: 'C4 Shot: I'(lvl5) - Kill 5 enemies by using C4. | Yes | Equipment | |
68 | C4 And After | Challenge: 'C4 Shot: II'(lvl5) - Kill 15 enemies by using C4. | Yes | Equipment | |
69 | I.C.E. Man (In Case of Emergency) | Challenge: 'Counter-C4: I'(lvl53) - Kill 3 enemies by shooting C4. | Yes | Equipment | |
70 | Jump Jet | Challenge: 'Vertical Takeoff: I'(lvl16) - Call in 5 Harrier strikes. | Yes | Kill streak | |
71 | True Liar | Challenge: 'True Liar'(lvl35) - Get a Game Winning Killcam with a Harrier. | Yes | Kill streak | |
72 | Afterburner | Challenge: 'Afterburner'(lvl64) - Call in an airstrike 2 times in a single match. | Yes | Kill streak | |
73 | Angel of Death | Challenge: 'AC130 Veteran: II'(lvl21) - Call in 10 AC130s. | Yes | Kill streak | |
74 | Godhand | Challenge: 'AC130 Veteran: I'(lvl21) - Call in 3 AC130s. | Yes | Kill streak | |
75 | Death From Above | Challenge: 'Death From Above'(lvl37) - Get a Game Winning Killcam with an AC130. | Yes | Finishing Move | |
76 | Ready. Aim. Fire! | Challenge: 'Lightweight: V'(lvl5) - Sprint 100 miles using Lightweight Perk. | Yes | Perk | |
77 | The Invincible | Challenge: 'Invincible'(lvl53) - Fully recover from enemy damage 5 times without dying. Screen must turn red/bloody | Yes | General Gameplay | |
78 | Spectre | Challenge: 'Spectre: I'(lvl5) - Get 50 kills with an AC130. | Yes | Kill streak | |
79 | Plane Whisperer | Challenge: 'Airstrike Inbound: I'(lvl21) - Call in 50 Precision, Stealth, or Harrier Airstrikes. | Yes | Kill streak | |
80 | Broken Arrow | Challenge: 'Airstrike Veteran: II'(lvl16) - Call in 25 Precision Airstrikes. | Yes | Kill streak | |
81 | Carpet Bomber | Challenge: 'Carpet Bomber I'(lvl5) - Kill 50 enemies with Precision Airstrikes. | Yes | Kill streak | |
82 | Hard Target | Challenge: 'Airborne'(lvl31) - Get a 2 kill streak with bullets while in mid-air. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
83 | Wargasm | Challenge: 'Wargasm'(lvl61) - Get all 3 of your killstreak rewards in under 20 seconds. | Yes | Kill streak | |
84 | Unbreakable | Challenge: 'Unbreakable: I'(lvl5) - Deflect 10 explosions with your Riot Shield. | Yes | Equipment | |
85 | Tango Down | Challenge: 'Prone Shot I'(lvl6) - Kill 5 enemies while you are prone. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
86 | The Avenger | Challenge: 'The Avenger'(lvl??) - Avenge the death of 3 teammates | Yes | General Gameplay | |
87 | Protect and Serve | Challenge: 'Sponge: I'(lvl5) - Absorb 1000 damage with your Riot Shield. | Yes | Equipment | |
88 | Full Arsenal | Challenge: 'One Man Army Pro: I'(lvl45) - Get 15 kills using One Man Army. | Yes | Perk | |
89 | MVP Assassin (Most Valuable Player) | Challenge: 'Counter-MVP'(lvl43) - Kill the #1 player on the enemy team 10 times in a single match. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
90 | Robin Hood | Challenge: 'Robin Hood: I'(lvl47) - Get Payback 5 times while in Last Stand. | Yes | Payback | |
91 | Early Detection | Challenge: 'Bomb Prevention: I'(lvl11) - Kill 3 enemies while they are planting the bomb. | Yes | Game mode | |
92 | Hi Def | Challenge: 'Hi Def'(lvl37) - Get a Game Winning Killcam with a Chopper Gunner. | Yes | Finishing Move | |
93 | Big Brother | Challenge: 'No Secrets'(lvl64) - Call in 3 UAV's in one game. | Yes | Kill streak | |
94 | Amplifier | Challenge: 'SitRep Pro: V'(lvl37) - Destroy 300 enemy devices while using SitRep Pro | Yes | Perk | |
95 | Givin' Static | Challenge: 'Interference: I'(lvl16) - Call in 5 Counter-UAVs. | Yes | Kill streak | |
96 | Techno Killer | Challenge: 'Techno Killer'(lvl35) - Get a Game Winning Killcam with a Stealth Bomber. | Yes | Finishing Move | |
97 | Get to the Choppa! | Challenge: 'Chopper Gunner Veteran: I'(lvl21) - Call in 3 Chopper Gunners. | Yes | Kill streak | |
98 | Cobra Strike | Challenge: 'Chopper Gunner Veteran: II'(lvl21) - Call in 10 Chopper Gunners. | Yes | Kill streak | |
99 | Sky Commander | Challenge: 'Cobra Commander'(lvl5) - 50 kills with Chopper Gunners. Prestige Challenge. | Yes | Kill streak | |
100 | DZ Clear (Drop Zone) | Challenge: 'Air Mail: I'(lvl16) - Call in 5 Care Packages | Yes | Kill streak | |
101 | Eyes Above | Challenge: 'Helicopter Inbound: II'(lvl21) - Call in 100 armed helicopters | Yes | Kill streak | |
102 | Direct Connect | Challenge: 'Chopper Veteran: I'(lvl5) - Kill 50 enemies by calling in helicopters | Yes | Kill streak | |
103 | Flying Tank | Challenge: '21 Ton Giant: II'(lvl16) - Call in 10 Pave Lows. | Yes | Kill streak | |
104 | Transformer | Challenge: 'Transformer'(lvl35) - Get a Game Winning Killcam with a Pave Low. | Yes | Finishing Move | |
105 | Shot Over | Challenge: 'Chopper Veteran: I'(lvl5) - Kill 50 enemies by calling in helicopters | Yes | Kill streak | |
106 | Big Bada Boom | Challenge: 'Multi-RPG: I'(lvl31) - Kill 2 or more enemies with a single RPG shot, 5 times. | Yes | Equipment | |
107 | Kill For Good | Challenge: 'Multi-RPG: II'(lvl31) - Kill 2 or more enemies with a single RPG shot, 25 times. | Yes | Equipment | |
108 | Sonic Boom | Challenge: 'Danger Close Pro: V' (lvl33) - Get 250 kills with explosives while using Danger Close. | Yes | Perk | |
109 | 1bullet2kills | Challenge: 'Collateral Damage'(lvl31) - Kill 2 or more enemies with a single sniper rifle bullet. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
110 | K Factor | Challenge: 'Stopping Power Pro: V'(lvl5) - Get 500 kills using Stopping Power. | Yes | Perk | |
111 | Bite the Bullet | Challenge: 'Stopping Power Pro: VI'(lvl5) - Get 1000 kills using Stopping Power. | Yes | Perk | |
112 | Hardcore Only | Challenge: 'Hardcore Team Player: II'(lvl10) - Win 5 Hardcore Team Deathmatch games. | Yes | Game mode | |
113 | Bandolier | Challenge: 'Scavenger Pro: V'(lvl13) - Resupply 250 times while using Scavenger. | Yes | Perk | |
114 | Bulletproof | Challenge: 'Bullet Proof: I'(lvl5) - Deflect 1000 bullets with your Riot Shield. | Yes | Equipment | |
115 | SIGINT (Signals Intelligence/Interference) | Challenge: 'Interference: II'(lvl16) - Call in 25 Counter-UAVs. | Yes | Kill streak | |
116 | Starfish Prime | Challenge: 'Blackout: II'(lvl21) - Call in 5 EMPs. | Yes | Kill streak | |
117 | Counterintelligence | Challenge: 'Scrambler Pro: VI'(lvl17) - Get 250 Close Range Kills while using Scrambler. | Yes | Perk | |
118 | Booyah! | Challenge: 'Multi-Frag: I'(lvl31) - Kill 2 or more enemies with a single frag grenade, 5 times. | Yes | Equipment | |
119 | OG (Original Gangster) | Challenge: 'OG'(lvl35) - Get a Game Winning Killcam with an Attack Helicopter. | Yes | Finishing Move | |
120 | Finishing Touch | Challenge: 'Finishing Touch'(lvl35) - Get a Game Winning Killcam with a Precision Airstrike or a Harrier Bombstrike. | Yes | Finishing Move | |
121 | Boom! Headshot. | Challenge: 'LMG Expert: II'(lvl26) - Kill 25 enemies with headshots while using a light machine gun. | Yes | Equipment | |
122 | Blood Money | Challenge: 'Color of Money: I'(lvl47) - Get payback with a headshot 5 times. | Yes | Payback | |
123 | BAM! | Challenge: 'Master Chef: II'(lvl53) - Kill 10 enemies with cooked grenades. | Yes | Equipment | |
124 | Intergalactic | Challenge: 'Sabotage Victor: II'(lvl10) - Win 20 Sabotage matches. | Yes | Game mode | |
125 | The Watchman | Challenge: 'Radar Inbound: II'(lvl21) - Call in 100 UAVs or Counter-UAVs. | Yes | Kill streak | |
126 | Live Long... | Challenge: 'Survivalist'(lvl53) - Live for 5 consecutive minutes. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
127 | Click Click Boom | Challenge :'Click Click Boom'(lvl??) - Kill an enemy with C4 while you are in Last or Final Stand. | Yes | Perk | |
128 | Stun Gun | Challenge: 'Slow But Sure'(lvl41) - Kill 1 enemy while being stunned by a stun grenade. | Yes | Equipment | |
129 | Hard To Kill | Challenge:-'Last Stand Pro I'(lvl41)-Get 2 kills while in Last Stand or Final Stand. | Yes | Perk | |
130 | Pop Off | Challenge: 'SMG Expert II'(lvl26) - Kill 25 enemies with headshots while using a submachine gun. | Yes | Equipment | |
131 | Faceoff | Challenge: 'Assault Expert: II'(lvl26) - Kill 15 enemies with head shots while using an Assault Rifle. | Yes | Equipment | |
132 | Top Gun | Challenge: 'Air Superiority'(lvl64) - Call in 2 Attack Helicopters in a single match. | Yes | Kill streak | |
133 | Armed and Dangerous | Challenge: 'Bling Pro: VI'(lvl21) - Get 900 kills using a weapon with 2 attachments. | Yes | Perk | |
134 | Reloaded | Challenge: 'Scavenger Pro: I'(lvl13) - Resupply 10 times while using Scavenger. | Yes | Perk | |
135 | High Caliber | Challenge: 'Stopping Power: I'(lvl5) - Get 30 Kills while Using Stopping Power. | Yes | Perk | |
136 | It's Personal | Challenge: 'It's Personal!'(lvl5) - Hurt an enemy then finish them off with a Throwing Knife. | Yes | Equipment | |
137 | My Name is... | Challenge: 'Cobra Commander: I'(lvl5) - Get 50 kills as a Chopper Gunner. | Yes | Kill streak | |
138 | Fired! | Challenge: 'You're Fired: I'(lvl5) - Get 50 kills with a Harrier. | Yes | Kill streak | |
139 | Ambush | Challenge: 'Clay More: II'(lvl31) - Kill 2 or more enemies with a single claymore 25 times. | Yes | Equipment | |
140 | Behind Enemy Lines | Challenge: 'The Loner'(lvl??) - Get a 10 killstreak without having any killstreak rewards equipped. | Yes | Kill streak | |
141 | Pathfinder | Challenge: 'Lightweight Pro: VI'(lvl5) - Run 250 miles using Lightweight. | Yes | Perk | |
142 | Take a Stab | Challenge: 'Carnie: II'(lvl5) - Kill 15 enemies with a Throwing Knife. | Yes | Equipment | |
143 | Backstabber | Challenge: 'Backstabber'(lvl41) - Stab an enemy in the back with your knife. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
144 | The Inciser | Challenge: 'Knife Veteran: I'(lvl5) - Kill 5 enemies with your knife. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
145 | Highlander | Challenge: 'Flawless'(lvl31) - Play an entire full-length match without dying. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
146 | Excalibur | Challenge: 'Commando Pro: VI'(lvl5) - Get 100 Kills with Knife or Riot Shield while Using Commando. | Yes | Perk | |
147 | Impaler | Challenge: 'Commando Pro: I'(lvl5) - Get 2 Knife Kills while using Commando. | Yes | Perk | |
148 | Blood Brothers | Challenge: 'Team Player: II'(lvl10) - Win 15 Team Deathmatch matches. | Yes | Game mode | |
149 | The Legend | Challenge: 'Last Man Standing'(lvl11) - Be the last man standing in Search and Destroy. | Yes | Game mode | |
150 | Epic | Challenge: 'Crab Meat'(lvl61) - Kill 10 enemies with a single killstreak reward. | Yes | Kill streak | |
151 | Remote Viewer | Challenge: 'X-Ray Vision: I'(lvl6) - Kill 2 enemies through a surface using bullet penetration. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
152 | Submit to Authority | Challenge: 'X-Ray Vision: II'(lvl6) - Kill 5 enemies through a surface using bullet penetration. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
153 | X-Ray Vision | Challenge: 'SitRep: I'(lvl37) - Destroy 15 enemy devices while using SitRep. | Yes | Perk | |
154 | Charity Case | Challenge: 'Airdrop Inbound I'(lvl21) - Call in a total of 50 Care Packages, Sentry Airdrops or Emergency Airdrops. | Yes | Kill streak | |
155 | Time is Money | Challenge: 'Time is Money: I'(lvl47) - Get payback 5 times with Semtex. | Yes | Payback | |
156 | I'm Rich | Challenge: 'I'm Rich I'(lvl47) - Get Payback 5 times with C4. | Yes | Payback | |
157 | Pin Puller | Challenge: 'Multi-Frag: II'(lvl31) - Kill min. 2 Enemies with a Single Frag Grenade, 25 Times | Yes | Equipment | |
158 | Nerves of Steel | Challenge: 'Steady Aim Pro: VI'(lvl5) - Get 500 hip-fire kills while using Steady Aim. | Yes | Perk | |
159 | Airborne | Challenge: '21 Ton Giant: I'(lvl16) - Call in 3 Pave Lows. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
160 | Bullseye | Challenge: 'Plastered: I'(lvl5) - Stick 5 players with a Semtex grenade. | Yes | Equipment | |
161 | Stickman | Challenge: 'Stick man'(lvl37) - Stick a Semtex to the enemy in a Game Winning Killcam. | Yes | Finishing Move | |
162 | The Ripper | Challenge: 'Slasher'(lvl64) - Get a 3 melee kill streak without dying. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
163 | Ghostrider | Challenge: 'Air to Ground: II'(lvl16) - Call in 25 Predator Missiles. | Yes | Kill streak | |
164 | Re-Zero | Challenge: 'Ghillie in the Mist: III'(lvl5) - Get 200 one-shot kills with sniper rifles. | Yes | Equipment | |
165 | Vulture | Challenge: 'Scavenger Pro: VI'(lvl13) - Resupply 500 times while using Scavenger. | Yes | Perk | |
166 | The Mastodon | Challenge: 'Star Player'(lvl53) - Play an entire match with a 5:1 K/D ratio. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
167 | The Grim Reaper | Challenge: 'Grim Reaper'(lvl64) - Kill 5 enemies in one match using one Predator Missle. | Yes | Kill streak | |
168 | The Dragon | Challenge: 'Jolly Green Giant: I'(lvl5) - Get 50 kills with a Pave Low. | Yes | Kill streak | |
169 | Fire and Forget | Challenge: 'Sentry Veteran: II'(lvl16) - Call in 25 Sentry Guns. | Yes | Kill streak | |
170 | All Your Base | Challenge: 'Extreme Cruelty'(lvl43) - Kill every member of the enemy team without dying (at least 4 enemies). | Yes | General Gameplay | |
171 | Danger Close | Challenge: 'Danger Close: VI'(lvl33) - Kill 500 enemies with explosives using Danger Close. | Yes | Perk | |
172 | Money Shot! | Challenge: 'Money Shot!'(lvl47) - Get a payback in the game winning killcam. | Yes | Finishing Move | |
173 | Rainmaker | Challenge: 'Overdraft'(lvl47) - Get a Payback that sticks to the victim. | Yes | Payback | |
174 | Reversal of Fortune | Challenge 'Counter-Claymore: II'(lvl53) - Kill 10 Enemies by Shooting a Claymore | Yes | General Gameplay | |
175 | Double Agent | Challenge: 'Cold-Blooded: VI'(lvl25) - Destroy 250 enemy killstreak rewards using Cold Blooded. | Yes | Perk | |
176 | Spy Game | Challenge: 'Ninja Pro: V'(lvl29) - Get 125 close range kills while using Ninja. | Yes | Perk | |
177 | Mad Man | Challenge: 'Bang for your Buck: I'(lvl47) - Get Payback 5 times with Frag Grenades. | Yes | Payback | |
178 | Philanthropist | Challenge: 'Special Delivery: II'(lvl16) - Call in 10 Emergency Airdrops. | Yes | Kill streak | |
179 | Heads Up! | Challenge: 'Heads Up!'(lvl5) - Kill an enemy by dropping a crate on them. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
180 | The Bigger They are... | Challenge: 'The Bigger They Are'(lvl61) - Kill the number one player on the enemy team 3 times in a row. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
181 | ...The Harder They Fall | Challenge: 'The Harder They Fall'(lvl61) - Kill the number one player on the enemy team 5 times in a row. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
182 | Parting Gift | Challenge: 'Clay More: I'(lvl31) - Kill min. 2 Enemies with a Single Claymore, 5 Times | Yes | Equipment | |
183 | Deadline | Challenge: 'Hardline Pro: V'(lvl9) - Get 100 Killstreaks while using Hardline. | Yes | Perk | |
184 | Dead Man's Switch | Challenge: 'Last Stand Pro: V'(lvl41) - Kill 50 Enemies while in Last Stand | Yes | Perk | |
185 | Dying Breath | Challenge: 'Last Stand Pro: VI'(lvl41) - Get 100 kills in Last Stand. | Yes | Perk | |
186 | 6 Feet Under | Prestige 6 times and reach level 2. | Yes | Rank | |
187 | Hijacker | Challenge:'Hijacker I'(lvl??) - Steal 10 enemy crates. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
188 | Solid Steel | Challenge: 'Solid Steel: I'(lvl5) - Survive 10 explosions while using Blast Shield. | Yes | Equipment | |
189 | Decathlete | Challenge: 'Marathon Pro: VI'(lvl5) - Run 104 miles with Marathon. | Yes | Perk | |
190 | Mach 5 | Challenge: 'Mach 5'(lvl26) - Shoot an entire SMG magazine without missing a single shot. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
191 | 2Fast | Challenge: 'Sleight of Hand Pro: I'(lvl5) - Get 15 kills using Sleight of Hand. | Yes | Perk | |
192 | Speed Demon | Challenge: 'Lightweight Pro: I'(lvl5) - Sprint 2 miles using Lightweight. | Yes | Perk | |
193 | Drifter | Challenge: 'Vandalism'(lvl6) - Destroy a car. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
194 | Full Throttle | Challenge: 'Helicopter Inbound: I'(lvl21) - Call in 50 armed helicopters. | Yes | Kill streak | |
195 | Trackstar | Challenge: 'Marathon Pro: I' - Run 1 mile using Marathon. | Yes | Perk | |
196 | Get Real | Challenge: 'Hardcore Team Player: I' - Win 1 Hardcore Team Deathmatch game. | Yes | Game mode | |
197 | Dronekiller | Challenge: 'Dronekiller' - Get a Predator Missile kill in the Game Winning Killcam. | Yes | Finishing Move | |
198 | Devastator | Challenge: 'Tango Down' - Kill every member of the enemy team. 4 enemy minimum. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
199 | Bow Down | Challenge: 'Crouch Shot: II' - Kill 15 enemies while you are crouching. | Yes | Equipment | |
200 | Omnipotent | Challenge: 'Radar Inbound: I' - Call in 50 UAVs or Counter-UAVs. | Yes | Kill streak | |
201 | Army of 1 | Challenge: 'One Man Army: VI' - Get 750 kills while using One Man Army. | Yes | Perk | |
202 | Unbelievable | Challenge: 'Unbelievable' - Get a Throwing Knife kill in Game Winning Killcam. | Yes | Finishing Move | |
203 | Cold Steel | Challenge: 'Knife Veteran: I'(lvl5) - Kill 5 enemies with your knife. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
204 | Omnicide | Challenge: 'Omnicide' - Kill entire team (more than 4) within 10 seconds. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
205 | Backsmasher | Challenge: 'Back-Smasher' - Crush an enemy from behind with your Riot Shield. | Yes | Equipment | |
206 | Headrush | Challenge: 'SMG Expert: I' - Kill 5 enemies with headshots while using a submachine gun. | Yes | Equipment | |
207 | Streaker | Challenge: 'Fearless' - Kill 10 enemies in a single match without dying. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
208 | To the Extreme | Challenge: 'MVP Team Hardcore' - Win a Hardcore Team Deathmatch match with the top score. | Yes | Game mode | |
209 | All Pro | Challenge: 'All Pro' - Get 2 headshots with 1 bullet. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
210 | Freerunner | Challenge: 'Marathon Pro: V' - Run 52 miles using Marathon. | Yes | Perk | |
211 | Double Down | Challenge: 'Bling Pro: I' - Get 25 Kills using a weapon with 2 attachments. | Yes | Perk | |
212 | Pro Gambler | Challenge 'Airdrop Inbound: II' - Call in 100 total airdrop crates using Care Package, Sentry Gun and Emergency Airdrop. | Yes | Kill streak | |
213 | Lucky 7 | Prestige 7 times and reach level 2. | Yes | Rank | |
214 | The Domino Effect | Challenge: 'Dominos' - Kill an enemy by setting off a chain reaction of explosives | Yes | General Gameplay | |
215 | 6fears7 | Challenge: '6fears7' - Have killstreak rewards requiring 7, 8, and 9 kills and earn them all. | Yes | Kill streak | |
216 | Droppin' Crates | Challenge: 'Droppin' Crates' - Get a Game Winning Killcam by dropping a crate on the enemy. | Yes | Finishing Move | |
217 | Public Enemy | Challenge: 'MVP Team Deathmatch' - Play Team Deathmatch and get the top score overall. | Yes | Game mode | |
218 | The Feared | Challenge: 'Free-for-all Victor: II' - Place first, second or third in 5 Free-for-all matches. | Yes | Game mode | |
219 | Predator | Challenge: 'Predator: I'(lvl5) - Get 50 kills with a Predator Missile. | Yes | Kill streak | |
220 | Accident Prone | Challenge: 'Base Jump' - Fall 15 feet or more and survive. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
221 | a Major Pain | Prestige once and reach level 55. | Yes | Rank | |
222 | SBD (Silent But Deadly) | Challenge: 'Stealth Bomber Veteran: II' - Call in 10 Stealth Bombers. | Yes | Kill streak | |
223 | No. | Challenge: 'Martyrdoh!' - Kill someone cooking off a grenade before they throw it. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
224 | Crackin' Skulls | Challenge: 'Assault Expert: II' - Get 25 headshots while using an Assault Rifle. | Yes | Equipment | |
225 | owned. | Challenge: 'Owned' - Get Game Winning Killcam with a Riot Shield melee kill. | Yes | Finishing Move | |
226 | Tag! You're it! | Challenge: 'Hot Potato: I' - Kill 5 enemies with thrown back grenades. | Yes | Equipment | |
227 | Smash Hit | Challenge: 'Smasher' - Get a 3 kill streak with the Riot Shield without dying. | Yes | Equipment | |
228 | OMFG (Oh My Fucking God) | Challenge: 'Cruelty' - Kill an enemy, pick up his weapon, then kill him again with his own weapon. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
229 | Juggernaut | Challenge: 'Solid Steel: II' - Survive 25 explosions while using Blast Shield. | Yes | Equipment | |
230 | Surgical | Challenge: 'The Surgical' - Fire an entire Assault Rifle magazine into your enemies without missing. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
231 | Survivor | Challenge: 'The Survivor' - Get a knife kill when all your ammo is empty. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
232 | Cloak and Dagger | Challenge: 'Carnie I' - Kill 5 players with a Throwing Knife. | Yes | Equipment | |
233 | Ta-Da! | Challenge: 'Jack-in-the-Box: II' - Kill an enemy within 5 seconds of tactically inserting, 25 times. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
234 | Quick Change Artist | Challenge: 'One Man Army Pro: V' - Get 300 Kills with One Man Army. | Yes | Perk | |
235 | Lights Out | Challenge: 'Think Fast Flash' - Finish an enemy by hitting them with a flashbang (Direct impact). | Yes | General Gameplay | |
236 | One Inch Punch | Challenge: 'Sleight of Hand Pro: VI' - Get 750 kills using Sleight of Hand. | Yes | Perk | |
237 | Five Sided Fistagon | Prestige 5 times and reach level 2. | Yes | Rank | |
238 | Joint Ops | Challenge: 'Point Guard: II' - Get 15 assists | Yes | General Gameplay | |
239 | High Command | Reach level 45 1st Prestige. | Yes | Rank | |
240 | Blunt Trauma | Challenge: 'Shield Veteran: I'- Kill 2 enemies with the shield melee attack. | Yes | Equipment | |
241 | Completely Numb | Challenge:'Totally Numb'-Survive an explosion that would normally kill you by using Painkiller. | Yes | Death streak | |
242 | Darkbringer | Challenge: 'Darkbringer' - Prevent 25 tactical insertions. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
243 | Share Package | Challenge: 'Special Delivery: I' - Call in 3 Emergency Airdrops. | Yes | Kill streak | |
244 | Stuck on You | Challenge: 'Plastered: II' - Stick 15 enemies with Semtex. | Yes | Equipment | |
245 | Perfectionist | Challenge: 'Perfectionist' - Fire an entire Sniper magazine into your enemies without missing. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
246 | 30 Something | Prestige once and reach level 35. | Yes | Rank | |
247 | Voyeur | Challenge: 'Exposed: II' - Call in 25 UAVs. | Yes | Kill streak | |
248 | Chick Magnet | Challenge: 'Blackout: I' - Call in 2 EMPs. | Yes | Kill streak | |
249 | The Flasher | Challenge: 'Flashbang Veteran I'(lvl5) - Kill 20 enemies dazed by a flashbang. | Yes | Equipment | |
250 | Silence | Challenge: 'Did You See That?' - Kill someone with a Throwing Knife while flashed or stunned. | Yes | Equipment | |
251 | Rejected | Challenge: 'Backdraft: II' - Destroy 5 enemy equipment. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
252 | Kleptomaniac | Challenge: 'Kleptomaniac' - Steal an enemy's care package. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
253 | Companion Crate | Challenge: 'Air Mail: II' - Call in 25 Care Packages. | Yes | Kill streak | |
254 | <3 | Challenge: 'Misery Loves Company' - Kill yourself and 1 enemy by cooking a grenade without throwing it. | Yes | Equipment | |
255 | Heartbreaker | Challenge: 'Scrambler Pro: V' - Get 125 Close Range Kills while using Scrambler. | Yes | Perk | |
256 | Frag Out! | Challenge: 'Grenade Kill: I' - Kill 10 enemies with grenades. | Yes | Equipment | |
257 | Catch Shrapnel | Challenge: 'Claymore Shot: I' - Kill 5 enemies with claymores. | Yes | Equipment | |
258 | Pineapple Express | Challenge: 'Grenade Kill: II' - Get 25 kills with frag grenades. | Yes | Equipment | |
259 | Toxic | Challenge: 'Radiation Sickness' - Get nuked by the enemy. You must be alive at the time the nuke goes off; if you are respawning you will not get the title. | Yes | Kill streak | |
260 | Living Dead | Challenge: 'Living Dead'-Survive in Final Stand long enough to get back up. | Yes | Death streak | |
261 | Last Resort | Challenge: 'Last Resort' - Get a game winning Killcam while in either Last Stand or Final Stand. | Yes | Finishing Move | |
262 | Mmmmm Brains... | Challenge: 'Both Barrels' - Kill an enemy with the ranger by firing both barrels at the same time. | Yes | Equipment | |
263 | Phoenix Rising | Challenge: 'Last Stand Veteran: I'(lvl5) - Kill 5 enemies using Last Stand. | Yes | Perk | |
264 | Infected | Challenge: 'Infected' - Get knifed by an enemy using this title. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
265 | Friends with Benefits | Challenge: 'The Resourceful' - Kill an enemy by sticking semtex to an ally. | Yes | Equipment | |
266 | UAV Rays | Challenge: 'Sunblock' - Call in 3 Counter-UAVs in a single match. | Yes | Kill streak | |
267 | My Li'l Pwny | Challenge: 'Stealth: I'(lvl5) - Kill 10 enemies while using a silenced weapon. | Yes | Equipment | |
268 | Martyr | Challenge: 'Martyr' - Kill an enemy with your Martyrdom grenade. | Yes | Death streak | |
269 | Enemy With Benefits | Challenge: 'Group Hug' - Kill multiple enemies with a Semtex Grenade stuck to one of them. | Yes | Equipment | |
270 | How The? | Challenge: 'How the?' - Kill an enemy by using bullet penetration to blow up an explosive through a wall. FMJ is not Required | Yes | General Gameplay | |
271 | ID Thief | Challenge: 'Identity Thief' - Get a payback with the killer's copycat class. | Yes | Payback | |
272 | Disruptor | Challenge: 'Scrambler Pro I' - Get 5 close range kills using Scrambler. | Yes | Perk | |
273 | Flatliner | Challenge: 'The Brink' - Get a 3 or more kill streak while near death (screen flashing red). | Yes | General Gameplay | |
274 | TacDel (Tactical Deletion) | Challenge: 'Tactical Deletion' - Kill 25 players that spawn using Tactical Insertion. | Yes | Equipment | |
275 | Mastermind | Challenge: 'Claymore Shot: II' - Get 15 Claymore Kills | Yes | Equipment | |
276 | Boilermaker | Challenge: 'Car Bomb: I' - Kill 5 enemies by destroying cars. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
277 | Pushin' Daisies | Challenge: 'Goodbye' - Fall 30 feet or more to your death. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
278 | Not in the face! | Challenge: 'LMG Expert: I' - Kill 5 enemies with headshots while using a light machine gun. | Yes | Equipment | |
279 | STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease, Stabbed To Death) | Stab a person wearing this title. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
280 | Bling Bling | Challenge: 'Bling Pro: V' - Get 450 kills using a weapon with 2 attachments. | Yes | Perk | |
281 | Clay Pigeon | Challenge: 'Counter-Claymore: I' - Kill 3 Enemies by Shooting a Claymore | Yes | Equipment | |
282 | Pyrotechnical | Challenge: 'The Spirit: I'(lvl5) - Get 50 kills with the Stealth Bomber | Yes | Kill streak | |
283 | Straight Up | Challenge: 'Vertical Takeoff: II' - Call in 25 Harrier Strikes. | Yes | Kill streak | |
284 | The Anarchist | Challenge: 'Multi-C4: II' - Kill min. 2 Enemies with a Single C4 Pack, 25 Times | Yes | Equipment | |
285 | New Jack | Challenge: 'ATM' - Get a payback with a throwing knife. | Yes | Payback | |
286 | Ninja | Challenge: 'Commando Pro: V' - Get 50 melee kills using Commando. | Yes | Perk | |
287 | Think Fast! | Challenge: 'Think Fast' - Finish an enemy off by hitting them with a frag grenade. (Direct impact) | Yes | General Gameplay | |
288 | Full Force | Challenge: 'Danger Close Pro: I' - Get 10 kills with explosives while using Danger Close. | Yes | Perk | |
289 | Squawk Box | Challenge: 'Attack Helicopter Veteran: II' - Call in 25 Attack Helicopters. | Yes | Kill streak | |
290 | Skeet Shooter | Challenge: 'Hard Landing' - Kill an enemy that is in mid-air. | Yes | General Gameplay | |
291 | 3xt4 cr1zby (Extra Crispy) | Challenge: 'The Spirit: I'(lvl5) - Get 50 kills with the Stealth Bomber | Yes | Kill streak | |
292 | Jack-in-the-Box | Challenge: 'Jack-in-the-Box: I' - Kill an enemy within 5 seconds of tactically inserting, 10 times. | Yes | Equipment | |
293 | So Baked | Challenge: 'Master Chef I' - Kill 5 enemies with cooked grenades. | Yes | Equipment | |
294 | Dishes are Done | Challenge 'Break for the Bank' - Get a payback with a claymore | Yes | Equipment | |
295 | Schooled | Prestige once and reach level 65. | Yes | Rank | |
296 | Noob Tuber | Challenge: 'Ouch' - Kill an enemy with a rifle-mounted grenade launcher without detonation. (Direct impact) | Yes | Equipment | |
297 | End of Line | Challenge 'End Game: II' - Call in 5 Nukes. | Yes | Kill streak | |
298 | American Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
299 | British Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
300 | Canadian Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
301 | Australian Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
302 | Spanish Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
303 | Austrian Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
304 | Japanese Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
305 | Brazilian Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
306 | Swiss Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
307 | Russian Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
308 | Mexican Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
309 | French Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
310 | German Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
311 | Italian Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
312 | Norwegian Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
313 | Greek Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
314 | Swedish Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
315 | Ivory Coast Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
316 | Belgian Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
317 | Finnish Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
318 | Dutch Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
319 | Czech Republic Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
320 | Luxembourg Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
321 | New Zealand Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
322 | Philippine Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
323 | Polish Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
324 | Portuguese Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
325 | Danish Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
326 | Saudi Arabian Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
327 | Singapore Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
328 | South African Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
329 | South Korean Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
330 | Hong Kong Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
331 | Indian Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
332 | Taiwanese Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
332 | United Arab Emirates Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
334 | El Salvador Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
335 | People's Republic of China Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
336 | Iranian Flag | Achieve rank 7. | Yes | Rank | |
337 | Patriot | Challenge: 'Predator: I'(lvl5) - Get 50 kills with a Predator Missile. | Yes | Killstreak | |
339 | The Specialist | Achieve rank 9. | Yes | Rank | |
340 | Great White North | Challenge: 'Flashbang Veteran I'(lvl5) - Kill 20 enemies dazed by a flashbang. | Yes | Equipment | |
341 | Continental | Challenge: 'Carpet Bomber I'(lvl5) - Kill 50 enemies with Precision Airstrikes. | Yes | Kill streak | |
342 | The Conqueror | Challenge: 'Spectre: I'(lvl5) - Get 50 kills with an AC130. | Yes | Kill streak | |
343 | The Exterminator | Challenge: 'You're Fired: I'(lvl5) - Get 50 kills with a Harrier. | Yes | Killstreak | |
344 | The Rising Sun | Challenge: 'Jolly Green Giant: I'(lvl5) - Get 50 kills with a Pave Low. | Yes | Killstreak | |
345 | The Redeemer | Challenge: 'Last Stand Veteran: I'(lvl5) - Kill 5 enemies using Last Stand. | Yes | Perk | |
346 | Neutral | Challenge: 'Stun Veteran: I'(lvl5) - Kill 20 enemies stunned by stun grenades. | Yes | Equipment | |
347 | The Prestige | Prestige 1 time and reach level 2. | Yes | Rank | |
348 | Round 2 | Prestige 2 times and reach level 2. | Yes | Rank | |
349 | Third Time Charm | Prestige 3 times and reach level 2. | Yes | Rank | |
350 | Hard Eight | Prestige 8 times and reach level 2. | Yes | Rank | |
351 | 9 Lives | Prestige 9 times and reach level 2. | Yes | Rank | |
352 | Prestige 10 | Prestige 10 times and reach level 2. | Yes | Rank |
Contents[show] |